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How to find longest continuous character in a string based on a given vector


I have the following string in R code.


And I want to check the longest continuous fragment of that string that contains the character in following vector:

  hydrophobic_res <- c("W", "F", "I", "L", "V", "M", "C", "A", "G")

The answer is:


Other example:


I need that to be very fast, coz need to test many strings. How can I do that in R?

CodePudding user response:

One option - split the string, replace the non-matching elements from the key vector to NA, do a group by paste based on the NA created, and subset the elements based on the maximum number of characters

f1 <- function(str1, matchvec)
v1 <- strsplit(str1, "")[[1]]
v1[!v1 %in% matchvec] <- NA
v2 <- tapply(v1, with(rle(!is.na(v1)),
      rep(seq_along(values), lengths)),
   FUN = function(x) paste(x[!is.na(x)], collapse = ""))
unname(v2[nchar(v2) == max(nchar(v2))])



> f1(aas, hydrophobic_res)
[1] "AW" "II"
> f1("QFILVMD", hydrophobic_res)
[1] "FILVM"

A regex based option - create pattern to remove all those characters that are not in the matchvec with gsub, split and subset based on the number of characters

f2 <- function(str1, matchvec)
  pat <- sprintf("[^%s]", paste(matchvec, collapse = ""))
  v1 <- strsplit(gsub(pat, ",", str1), ",")[[1]]
  v1[nchar(v1) == max(nchar(v1))]


> f2(aas, hydrophobic_res)
[1] "AW" "II"
> f2("QFILVMD", hydrophobic_res)
[1] "FILVM"

CodePudding user response:

Here is an alternative way: For me it is easier to solve such kind of task in thinking of tibbles or data frames:

str_split(aas, "")[[1]] %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  mutate(flag = grepl(paste(hydrophobic_res, collapse = "|"), value)) %>% 
  group_by(group = rleid(flag==TRUE)) %>% 
  filter(flag == TRUE & max(row_number() > 1)) %>% 
  mutate(string = paste(value, collapse = "")) %>% 
  slice(1) %>% 
[1] "AW" "II"

CodePudding user response:

As you mentioned speed is important, consider using stringi which is optimized for this kind of task. An advantage is that it's easy to vectorize as well:


find_longest <- function(strng, pat) {
  pats <- if (is.list(pat)) {
    sapply(pat, \(x) stri_join(c("[", x, "] "), collapse = ""))
  } else {
    stri_join(c("[", pat, "] "), collapse = "")
  res <- stri_extract_all(strng, regex = pats)
  lapply(res, \(x) {
    nc <- nchar(x)
    x[nc == max(nc)]

hydrophobic_res <- c("W", "F", "I", "L", "V", "M", "C", "A", "G")
aas2 <- "QFILVMD"

find_longest(c(aas, aas2), hydrophobic_res)

[1] "AW" "II"

[1] "FILVM"
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