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SwiftUI: how to properly use init()?


I am trying to make use of init to call the fetchProducts function in my ViewModel class. When I add init though, I am getting the following 2 errors:

Variable 'self.countries' used before being initialized


Return from initializer without initializing all stored properties

The variable countries is binding though so there shouldn't need to be an initialized value in this view. Am I using init incorrectly?

struct ContentView: View {
    @Namespace var namespace;
    @Binding var countries: [Country];
    @Binding var favLists: [Int];
    @State var searchText: String = "";

    @AppStorage("numTimeUsed") var numTimeUsed = 0;
    @Environment(\.requestReview) var requestReview
    @StateObject var viewModel = ViewModel();
    init() {

    var body: some View {



CodePudding user response:

Look at the initialiser that autocomplete gives you when you use ContentView

ContentView(countries: Binding<[Country]>, favLists: Binding<[Int]>)

If you're creating your own initialiser, it will need to take those same parameters, e.g.

init(countries: Binding<[Country]>, favLists: Binding<[Int]>) {
    _countries = countries
    _favLists = favLists


Alternatively, use the default initialiser, and instead…

onAppear {
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