Home > Blockchain >  Development of Ethernet fang, why the value of the state variable cannot save?
Development of Ethernet fang, why the value of the state variable cannot save?


Just contact the today, got a small example to do the test, the following problems:

Message information can't push to the struct array, the Message [] public Messagelist; The length of a Messagelist always 0

Contract code is as follows:

Pragma solidity & gt;=0.4.21 & lt; 0.7.0;
The import "./ConvertLib. Sol ";

Contract MetaCoin {

Struct Message {
String title;
The address from;

The Message [] public Messagelist;

The function SetMsg (string memory titles) public {

The Message the memory MSG=Message (titles, MSG. Sender);
Messagelist. Push (MSG);


Function getMsg (uint random) public view returns (uint, string, memory address) {
If (Messagelist. Length==0) {
Return (Messagelist. Length, "", MSG. The sender);
} else {
The Message storage result=Messagelist [random];
Return (Messagelist. Length, the result. The title, the result from);


The front-end js code is as follows:

SetMsg: async function (STR) {
Const {SetMsg}=this. Meta. The methods;
Const testinfo=await SetMsg (STR). The call ();
The console. The info (" Set ", testinfo);
GetMsg: async function (num) {
Const {getMsg}=this. Meta. The methods;
Const testinfo=await getMsg (num). The call ();
The console. The info (" Get ", testinfo);

First call SetMsg incoming characters to write, and then call GetMsg by passing in digital array subscript values, the strange thing is always enforce contracts in the if (Messagelist. Length==0) {this sentence, that is, state variables can't save the data,

in addition, I want to test this code is no problem,

My development environment: truffle + ganache

Which bosses to help give directions exactly what's the problem, thank you,

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