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Xian elder brother understand currency: 0.30 COINS at midnight the etheric fang cinched at the end o


The currency market analysis

Currency yesterday after tumbling prices rising early is calm, currency days tend to range trade downward trend, below the bottom of the stabilized after a line once again usher in a rebound hit 13666, morning near currency price rebound run again in 13600, the current price back to step on a line 13300, night long fatigue, long-short shift, evening currency price, we still have some back to step on space, on the daily chart, K line to receive Yang yesterday, prices continue to trend has not yet formed on the rag forest on rail, long slow, from the date line disk index, MACD indicators bull quantity can start shrank, KDJ and RSI line the scattered down, long-short game, still have to continue to test demand, prices below the short-term focus on 13100 location support effect,

Four hours to figure, cloth forest aisle, K line cycle small Yang, in the currency price is now subject to track down, 5 daily average line wear dead fork, MACD short quantity can moderate, look to the 13350 position, but the shorts strength is not strong, the orbital space is not open, hour chart, price late back hit 13200 line stop falling, the bulls have signs of strength again, just disk indicators, short mood has not been dispersed and night operation is given priority to with 13100-13500 interval, broken bits followed conveniently,

The currency operation strategy

Strategy one: 13100-13150 the first pullback near more than single approach, stop, 13000, 13350, target broken bits to see 13500

Strategy 2: rebound near 13400-13350 empty single approach, stop, 13500, 13200, target broken bits to see 13100

The etheric fang quotation analysis

Etheric fang direction linkage bannock intraday rebound test to 392 line, test the dip below 373 a line of callback, monthly closing, high above the base have been confirmed, tomorrow is still in the callback below the stabilization is given priority to,

Daily chart, the price is still in a downward channel, K line yesterday again rag in the forest of the shadow of rail, 5 daily average line wear dead fork, etheric fang many army unable to hard to look up, the current prices fell below 380 in 375-380 range shock, RSI indicator continued low, MACD indicators double death fork, short quantity can begin to moderate, evening attention below 375 broken situation, four hours online watch, cloth belt openings, down below the track has been opened, currency price is above the average joint suppression, above prices rebound repeatedly failed to return to 380 area, the current situation in the confined state, long resistance, night price and the possibility of further downside, now in the down trend under the condition of not completely sure, still wait see below 375 a line will be able to stand, break an empty, if can stabilize rebound to continue to do more, 380,

The etheric fang operation strategy

Strategy one: back to trample near 373-375 single buying more, stop four points, the target of 380

Strategy 2: rebound near 384-381 empty single buy, stop four points, the target of 375
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