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Xian elder brother understand c: disk averages of actual combat parsing


In trading, investors can take advantage of an opportunity and for is a very rare thing, in fact, successful trading, can obtain more profits than other investors, and judge the price trend from unilateral complete signal, sunseeker soft think is to see at least three different average divergence, three (short, in the long term) average if you have already completed the cross signals, and the trend of unilateral operation, show that unilateral price trend has been established, then the risk is very small, open the probability of profit is very high,

Day K line, the price trend of long run, the horizontal consolidation condition in this time of the average also began in the bonding state, there was no effective breakthrough, bonded form more than the average for a long time, is the price before the breakthrough of gaining form,

Different from unilateral rally crash, the price of horizontal consolidation, shows have less active trading, price to successfully break through horizontal finishing stalemate, need more than one power is the air side, at this time, bonding of average time is needed to spread to the state transition, especially the calculation cycle longer average,

Average divergence upward pattern, average bonding form a shift for a long time, three different average (30, 60, 100) has begun to spread rapidly, obviously is a sign of investors to do more, prices continue to lift, the distance between every average gradually opened,

Obvious divergence form before, investors are not easy to judge the trend of the price, average divergence degree is relative, from sticking to the divergence of state also needs a process, so that investors do additional warehouse operation can be progressive, rather than all at once the heavy buying, with the theory of average divergence form gradually clear, the price of the upward trend has been confirmed, and warehouse for this time of the action is very safe, in the face of the trend of average continued divergence, investors to buy up profit no bigger risk,
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