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Xian elder brother understand currency: 11.4 why do you know why the currency the etheric fang inves


Although at the time of investment everybody can see "investment has a risk, entering the market need to be careful", but do investment, regardless of the length of time, almost have the experiences of bedding bag, and the people care about most of the quilt cover, of course, is how to unlock as soon as possible, in addition to have a market, in general is very difficult, because this is a market trend and the question of cost price, therefore, to the set, it takes some skill,

Solution set mainly divided into passive solution set and active solution set of two types of passive solution set of the list bedding bag is put aside don't control it, walk, sit back and wait for market prices go up, such as active solution set is a positive way, of course, also need a bit of skill, active solution set of methods are varied, but its key or central idea is to one thousand party hundreds of reduce cost, make up for losses, lock single friend, don't panic, don't be afraid, straighten, calm, rational, do reasonable solution! Figure, will share some experience for everyone

[do] before the single

1. Whether to conform and current trends;

2. Is there a K line form technical support;

3. Whether the paper analyzes the formation of the weekly and monthly;

4. Plan to do single quantity is too large;

5. Whether to set the stop-loss price;

6. Whether plans to add warehouse price;

7. Whether to set up a profit-taking price;

8. Place the order,

[do] after the single

1. To the stop position, strict stop loss price, no matter later to see if this single flat wrong or right;

2. The loss of single warehouse, after never backhand, adjust good state of mind and then analysis the market;

3 gallons failed, strictly abide by the "don't go to earn ten thousand yuan, to make the last points will go" remedial principle;

4. When unwind after a huge profits, put an end to immediately intervene to do single calm joy mentality make an analysis again after entering the market,

To continuing to go for a long time in the market, must have a complete system, including the positioning technique, risk control and technology system, and in this way, can in the volatile market, give you a clear direction, even if the profit is small, but very easily, also feel a sense of accomplishment; One-sided, the trend of wisdom in the mind can help you, if you look well, strive for profit maximization, and wrong, can control the risk, and can follow the trend of profitability and objective thinking, subjective insist on your ideas, rather than blindly blindly gallons reverse code list, edge positions in risk,

The market these days strange and changeful, hope the broad masses of investors should pay attention to the following:

A, my emotions

Second, from small start

Three, avoid pushing

Fourth, be ready to accept failure

5, learn to wait, take a break

Six, stop-loss set strict and reasonable requests
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