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Today | in the history of American industry association called on congress to make more strict block


1.2017 years on December 21, seven American industry association signed a petition on behalf of the Banks and credit cooperatives in the U.S. congress, block chain called on congress to make more strict safety standards, in order to prevent more exchange data, the association of seven is America's national association of credit union, respectively, in the United States federal insurance credit union, the American bankers association, the consumer bankers association, the American bankers independent community, the financial services roundtable, and the United States the clearinghouse, 2. December 21, 2017, the banking giant Morgan Stanley estimates that hedge funds on the encrypted digital currency investment of more than $2 billion, 3. December 21, 2017, the Russian federation savings (Sberbank) bank manager Herman Gref said he expects the deployment in Russia block chain technology need eight to ten years,
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