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Block chain application discussed


The current domestic application block chain, in addition to virtual currency, those who can make clear the following problems:
To solve the problem of what? Use what kind of scene? The data on the chain? How to solve the data synchronization network redundancy? Use block chain technology really is better than traditional center services more convenient?

CodePudding user response:

There are some useful, fraud or falsely use another producer insurance, contract, voting and so on,

CodePudding user response:

For now, there has been no scenario USES, rushing to play things,

CodePudding user response:

Things, of the good aspects of the most simple, no middlemen to earn price difference, sells arms to go, is also a big trouble, block chain technology brings human beings is the influence of the Internet to human influence is at least 10 times in the future!

CodePudding user response:

Vision can block chain link on everything, from one's birth, reference information, education information, food and clothing live line, at present we are exposed to every industry, it can be as a block chain, a link, a big can integrate these chains on a chain network,

CodePudding user response:

Application scenario now many in all in the experiments, some companies want to block chain + Internet of things, also have block chain + manufacturing...

CodePudding user response:

Even can not get to block chain centralized, if all users to uninstall the program block chain, where the original block chain store? So block chain premise is must be someone here to use, and store the data must be used to add up to all of the data and real data application should consider centralized storage a serious point? If read/write block chain program needs to be updated, there is no central query update server how to deal with? V1, v2, v3... Later versions compatible demands higher and higher, all must be compatible, because decentralized anyone can use any version of the program to read and write block chain, I guess this programmer will choose to jump off a building...
Problem: no centralized block chain block chain multi-user written to the database at the same time, how to ensure written security? Solution is currently the longest chain block method, set the short chain block is invalid to delete, then write block chain nodes: how long will it take to check your writing data is valid? , xiao zhang, lend xiao li said a lychee: 1000 dollars, because of their metropolitan area network problems and other cities have disconnected (such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters or man-made fiber damage), two days later the network recovery, so check found chain xiao zhang to turn money to xiao li, the block has been scrapped, but xiao li already spend 1000 dollars from the bank, xiao li is no money now, xiao li firmly said they do not have to borrow money, you killed xiao li or what?
Suppose you said some of the technical barriers on block chain has been solved, now say the problem of society, do you want to achieve a medical chain blocks, record the patient from birth to death all the hospital medical records, you have to use the national laws (or even need to unify the earth first and then release law) : {medical law article one hundred and twenty-three, the first, all the hospital medical records stored in the block can be set up chain, or pull out shot, article three hundred and forty, the fourth, any citizens are not allowed to access to guess other user data, not allowed to access data, or pull out shot, (ps: the users themselves with the private key is to go to the hospital will be stored in copy, will only let the doctor to resell data more simple)}, first, the hospital why want to write to the data block chain to share with other hospital, it is not means that the patient can be transferred to other hospital for treatment? (the doctor can see cases of writing, he didn't want to let you know what to write a), the second to resell data problems (because it is impossible for you for a lifetime only go to a hospital, the doctor just sold the store key in his hand, you also don't know who leaked information), do you think got a xx disease later write block chain, and every day there are selling various xx drug phone call you, will you? Other, the financial sector (banking, insurance, trust, securities, leasing, etc.) has a similar problem, to write to the data block chain when phase to hit their job, especially the mediation, the services sector, is relying on the information asymmetry to make money, how they are willing to share the data, do you want to say the chain of the blocks to the end customer use? Customers consider selling the house, how much is the cost of their study, he gave the mediation simple cost don't need to learn to make money and not less than their block chain operation, and don't have to bring their clients, why want to use block chain, bring their own people, but also with a variety of customer blind bb???????

CodePudding user response:

As shown in figure
Actually block the application of the chain, in the game, try the water on the Internet of things is better,
As Banks and other financial system, if all forced and chain blocks, itself works fine, if the devotion to decentralization, transparency, security, processing efficiency greatly reduced, certainly at least now data throughput also can not reach the desired level,

CodePudding user response:

Now can only be used for issuing

CodePudding user response:

Now let's cut chives stage, popularize the estimates will be very promising,

CodePudding user response:

Chain at present mainly limited financial field, the block chain under a commercial application of the "center", such as IBM believes is in the field of "supply chain management", the future must be not only the business level application, such as the need to deal with in our daily life has become increasingly complex and more data privacy of Internet of things, and even every one of the most important and interaction, the secure storage of the biometric information and quantum computing as anticipated

CodePudding user response:

Using block chain in distributed storage by distributed processing to improve the capacity to use scenario could be the games, financial, etc

CodePudding user response:

Good technology, is now in the wrong place, pay attention to the

CodePudding user response:

Data synchronization, and the efficiency of the voting particularly inefficient

CodePudding user response:

The largest ground application of block chain is inside the enterprise
Companies use block chain be born to do product marketing
Block mall chain technology is a very good application, we have developed over, immediately can use the
Block chain + + Internet business model

CodePudding user response:

Focus on

CodePudding user response:

The world's first electronic wallet based on block chain cross-border remittance service launched in Hong Kong, hk alipay AlipayHK users can block chain technology to purse Gcash Philippines remittance, with the support of block chain technology, cross-border remittance from now on can do it like a local transfer, real-time order, save money, save trouble, security and transparency

CodePudding user response:

Focus on

CodePudding user response:

Said block chain applications, virtual currency is not block chain applications, virtual money is only a block chain technology in additional financial attributes, and not block the application of the chain, chain blocks, real ground application should be also should be turned to data approval and traceability, now these two aspects can be born and relatively went unquestioned degree application

CodePudding user response:

For ordinary users, currently is a digging mine, for a change!

CodePudding user response:

Who has a chain logistics field blocks suggestion?

CodePudding user response:

Very well, come here to learn the knowledge

CodePudding user response:

Distributed cache bandwidth sharing, such as BT download, it is a peer-to-peer distributed resource sharing application,
But why BT has been tepid, because of the lack of economic incentives,
Is this project we can look at, very promising,

CodePudding user response:

For ordinary users, this is to try to dig dig, change the items!

CodePudding user response:

Block chain technique was simple distributed storage, but it can give industry solve the problem of credit cost is higher, because it cannot be tampered with

CodePudding user response:

Now can only be used for issuing

CodePudding user response:

Gao said application on some more
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