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The currency contracts can make money?


Risk hedge contract BitOffer options are used to achieve risk-free arbitrage

For example, the currency present price is $10000

1, if you use 10000 yuan to open more than 20 times leverage to do
2, at the same time open five (4 hours) in BitOffer put option hedging cost ($250)

First, when the currency rose $500, or 5%

More than 1, 20 times the leverage to do, double contracts, also is to earn 10000 yuan
2, puts the loss of the principal, that is, $250 ($1750)
00-1750=$3100 to $8250 (net)

Second, as the currency fell $500, that is, a 5% drop

More than 1, 20 times the leverage to do, contract broke, the loss of 10000 yuan
2, 5 zhang puts profit $2500, or 17500 yuan
00-10000-1750=$3175 to $5750 (net)

Customer service V, Bitoffer777

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