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Digital transformation, the implementation of center of gravity outside of IT


Discussion of digital transformation of society, today, finally from "what is a digital transformation", "digital transformation of the meaning of enterprise" this concept and the necessity to discuss, moved to "human resources digitization transformation", "manufacturing digital transformation" discussion on the level of implementation, such as
Regardless of the size, or in which industry, the enterprise will set foot on the digital campaign, although the digital transformation of the specific characteristics of the industry and industry, enterprises and between enterprises, may be different, but for many financial professionals, change and adaptation is full of challenge, here, we will discuss financial leaders how to play a role in this process, answer to become efficient digital financial leader, need to have the question of what quality,
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Based on traditional IT outside of the digital transformation, is the core of the enterprise to implement, action in the field of the non-it success or failure, in fact determines the effect of digital transformation of an enterprise, this is mainly because the following reasons,
Traditional IT infrastructure, leading to a slow enterprise digital transformation, though companies are established in the past traditional IT infrastructure, continuously invest manpower and material resources, but poor flexibility, such as the limited resources in short supply and the scale expansion, is increasingly prominent, unable to meet the needs of enterprise digital transformation,
Cloud computing is a kind of digital technology services and new ways of IT resources, IT makes the integration of IT resources can be concentrated, rapid configuration, and redeploy and send quickly, thus greatly improve the flexibility of enterprise system management or reduce operational costs (such as save IT resources),
Artificial intelligence foundation weak, need a breakthrough from scratch, it turns out that artificial intelligence as one of the key technology of digital transformation, in marketing, finance, social network relation mining, text processing, unstructured data processing, as well as other various predictive scenarios (for example) to predict rainfall and soccer matches in the potentially huge value,
But for most companies, not only the base of the application of artificial intelligence is very limited, and they must overcome challenges, the enterprise needs to establish deep cooperation with the artificial intelligence services, or in a mature artificial intelligence infrastructure (for example, used in machine learning cloud platform) on building his own utility function,
Technology uncertainty caused by rapid iteration, and the information of the traditional technology, with cloud computing, big data, Internet and artificial intelligence as a representative of a new generation of digital technology is continuous, high speed upgrade, this technology in the application of the digital transition to bring very great uncertainty, companies need to constantly improve the insight and understanding of the technology, and choose the right partner, but on the other hand, due to the fast updating speed, the frequency of the digital technology can effectively promote the business innovation and speed,
Flexible ecological technology, for the enterprise and technology providers, to build a more open and cooperative ecosystem is very important, open ecological technology make the enterprise can be obtained from the appropriate digital technology, to realize the transformation of business model and technology value chain, otherwise, the enterprise can easily in the process of digital transformation, a trapped in a closed technology (or dominated by technology vendors), it will not only reduce iteration speed technology, and more importantly, the enterprise may lose the digital transformation of technology options,
So the digital transformation of the enterprise, must establish a subversive feature "shadow organization", the so-called network flexible organization,
It can help enterprise to optimize the decision efficiency and response speed, activate the personal value at the same time, with the change of external environment in sync,
Such organizations should include four key elements:
? New core driving force: attention from internal and self-reinforcing, to take the customer as the center of "outgoing" perspective;
? New innovative ways: from vertical integration and large enterprise leading innovation, into a collaborative creation, and diversification and decentralized innovation mode;
? New organizational infrastructure: the immobilization process into "mobile office mode;
? New development speed: from stable, sustainable business model, is transformed into the appropriate accelerating iterative development and cross-border competition pattern,
Organization of digitization is the key to digital transformation of enterprises, enterprises should cultivate to digital, intelligent and agile culture business innovation as the guide, promote the continuous innovation of internal and external, and create a digital innovation ecosystem, enterprises should also advance step by step, from the online organization structure, the organization of the online collaboration, to achieve digital group, and in the process are completed the human resources management, talent supply and digital human resources investment,
Want to know more detailed digital transformation experience, case or trends? Search digital leadership: leading financial digital transformation, consult the without registration, can be downloaded for free ACCA experts recommended actions!
The original URL:https://cn.accaglobal.com/content/dam/acca/pi/files/digital-leadership-cn.pdf
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