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She said currency: the White House issued a statement clear stable currency regulation five big prob


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Forbes that published the first encryption monetary award, person of the year was rated as the encryption which Powell, chairman of the federal reserve currency, "winning" the reason is that, during a pandemic, Powell leading printing a large amount of stimulus that fed monetary, and make the fed's balance sheet almost doubled, the "award" judge Morgan Creek, co-founder of Anthony said Pompliano, Powell has launched a $3 trillion COINS marketing activities, in addition, MicroStrategy chief executive Michael Saylor was rated as the most interesting new people, the company MicroStrategy purchased $475 million worth of COINS, had a great influence,

The White House issued a statement, clear and stable currency regulation 5 big problem

Today, the U.S. President's working group on financial markets (PWG) released a called "President's working group on financial markets of key regulatory issues related to the stable currency statement" report, which has been clear about the innovation, regulatory, compliance, legal basis, the five problems, additional protection measures

Including: stable currency regulation can be made of federal securities, commodities, derivatives regulations provide basis; Advocate to 1:1 stable currency reserve assets value support; For stable currency project clear disclosure, stable currency project also need to obtain and verify all counterparties identity, monitoring; For the stability of the currency anchor a basket of currencies, may also need to more restrictions, etc.,

The United States the key regulatory issue of stable currency to clarify and clear is a double-edged sword: regulations become more clear, stable currency activity information become more transparent, but at the same time, the user's trading information privacy and identity will be completely exposed to custody, beeping News won the main part of the "declaration" and the translation is as follows:

Pay the United States encourage responsible innovation, digital payments, including the dollar and other support for the stability of the system using currency project, is likely to improve efficiency, increase competitiveness, reduce costs, and promote the wider financial pratt &whitney, digital payment system, including a stable currency project, design and operation should be performed in a responsible way, in order to effectively manage risk, and maintain the domestic and international financial and monetary system in a steady,

Stable currency project must comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements in the United States, these demands can help achieve a series of policies, including () to maintain financial security and steady, crack down on illegal financing, protect the end user and ensure market integrity, especially has more potential scale, complexity, and mutual connection, the stability of the currency project should be considered for the participants, the end user and any high risk and the wider financial system to management, stable currency project should perform the same function and other activities, constitute the same risk of projects, subject to the same requirements, in accordance with "the same business, risk," the same rules of the general principles,

Before the market participants and stable currency stable currency project must meet all applicable anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regulations, and comply with the obligations of sanctions, in the United States, the obligations included in the financial crimes enforcement network (FinCEN) registration; Develop, implement and maintain an effective anti-money laundering plan; (follow), including the report suspicious activity, record keeping and reporting rules,, and customization based on the risk of sanctions compliance program,

Financial action task force (FATF) standard rules, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing and counterproliferation financing mechanism suitable for digital assets, including a stable currency project, and its service providers, public and private sectors in line with the requirement of the standard for adequate risk assessment, in order to understand the risk of digital assets, the United States in anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing and sanctions regime, including a stable currency and digital assets service providers for digital assets, including functional regulation, this is consistent with the FATF standards, the United States expect (stable currency) in front of the market, to implement the compliance procedures designed to meet these obligations,

According to its design and other factors, stable currency may constitute by the U.S. federal securities, goods and/or derivative securities legal constraints, commodities or derivatives, based on this, "the federal securities laws" and/or the Commodity Exchange act "will manage a stable currency, stable currency trading and/or one of the participants, stable currency is securities, commodities or derivatives, will depend on the relevant facts and circumstances,

When it is mainly used for the stability of the retail payment currency in the United States adopted by mass, the relative risk is likely to mean that these scenarios require additional protective measures, we encourage stable currency project and its functions, operation, trading and adhere to the principle of key participants about the design of risk management, including:

? To promote financial stability, stable currency should be designed as a project can be used to deal with potential risks to financial stability, including mass, redemption and general business losses may be disorderly, stable currency project should have the appropriate systems, control and operation to manage these risks, including the protection of reserve assets,

Powerful reserve asset management measures including ensure 1:1 reserve assets support and plenty of money to absorb losses and meet the demand of liquidity, stable currency project supported by the dollar should hold dollar-denominated assets quality; Will these assets in the us regulatory entity; Using various hosting; And limit the debtor for the debtor to ensure safety, high quality

? To protect the end user, in line with the fair and transparent financial services (principles), should provide a stable currency project can enforce the holder of the issuer or direct claims of reserve assets, to ensure that the holder can timely to 1:1 stable currency exchange on the basis of legal tender (net of fees), stable currency stable currency project should be clear disclosure the rights of the holders for the program should be a stable currency holders of counterparty risk to a minimum, include ensuring that reserve assets in the form of away from bankruptcy, avoid the impact of a stable currency project participants of other creditors,

Clear disclosure, should be performed to improve information transparency and the end user's right to know information disclosure shall include stable currency operations and governance structure of the project, for example, the internal functions and activities, provide a stable currency project who is responsible for these functions and activities, and detailed financial information support stable currency value, and any costs, foreign exchange risk and participate in the description of potential conflicts of interest entity, the stable currency project should be around solutions to problems, protect the user from unfair or fraudulent behavior, to protect the user data from several aspects, with clear process,

? In order to promote the integrity of the market, stable currency project must meet all applicable anti-money laundering/counter-terrorism financing and sanctions obligations, the stability of the designed for anonymous or kana trading currency project may attract illegal personnel, if there is no appropriate mitigation measures, may make the key public policy objectives are to evade, and other comply with the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing entity and sanctions obligations, stable currency project user authentication and risk assessment must be conducted, the monitoring activity, for the purpose to anti-money laundering/counter-terrorism financing to authorized institutions (such as supervision and law enforcement agencies) provide and maintain records and report suspicious activity, the screening of obligation of sanctions, such as

Before a stable currency into the market, suppliers must according to the stable currency project anti-money laundering/counter-terrorism financing requirements to carry out the compliance, and according to the situation changes (requirements and behavior), individual mitigation measures will be different, but must include risk assessment and regulatory compliance, and the effective anti-money laundering/counter-terrorism financing compliance plan, in addition, the stable currency project should be able to obtain and verify the identity of all trading parties, including those that use unmanaged wallet counterparties,

? In order to improve the operating flexibility, stable currency project should use a sound risk management framework, stable currency should ensure a high degree of safety and operation, including network security, reliability, and should have enough can expand capacity, stable currency project there should be a reliable data collection, storage and protection system, should be the reasonable design of business continuity management (rules), to ensure that when interruptions can comprehensively and quickly restore operation and performance of the obligations,

? In order to promote the good operation of payments and trade market, stable currency project shall set up data management system, to record and protect the data and information collection and occurring in the operation, also should use reliable procedures to record, preserve and report, including price and trading information, real-time data, in order to spread to the market participants and regulators (information),

? In order to promote the macro economy and the international monetary stability, stable currency project should not damage the citizens' confidence in the domestic legal tender and the stability of legal tender, in the United States, for those who cannot and basic legal tender 1:1 exchange (net of fees) the stability of the currency, or by more than one legal tender to determine the value (for example, the stability of the currency anchor a basket of currencies) the stability of the currency, may require additional restrictions,

? In order to promote comprehensive cross-border supervision, in multiple jurisdictions to run the stability of the currency project should be directly to all relevant national authorities to provide the necessary information and documents, the authorities can build cross-border information sharing mechanism to promote the regulation, and to establish other mechanisms to ensure compliance and enforcement, in the United States, the stable currency project may need to be established in the entity, with the us regulatory entity as mediation, and/or consider other factors,

Shan epilogue: PWG wrote in a report, "this is a preliminary assessment of some of the key regulatory issues a stable currency as a result, the welcome a dialogue for the purpose of this statement, the us authorities are continuing to evaluate and stable currency related technology, market environment and the regulatory framework," for encryption industry regulation, has been on the road,

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Point has the timeliness, articles sent with a delay, specific please to real-time prices shall prevail; This paper is limited to the exchange of learning, all the content does not constitute any business advice! Accordingly, the consequence is proud,

Wen/shan said currency
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