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CN2 line server what advantage?


With the rapid development of Internet, enterprises and individuals to a new understanding of site, site connected to consumers and businesses, a good web site can help enterprises more efficient target task, good website to have a good server, CN2 line server using feedback is good, after understanding the concept of "CN2 line", for "CN2 overseas server" also it is not hard to understand, in fact, is the server room in overseas, but the line is CN2 line connected to the domestic go (BGP, similar to the said before many lines),
CN2 line server what advantage?

The emergence of various types of servers are for different master user groups in a niche, CN2 server is the server in the process of development of product of segmentation, then, compared with the traditional server lease, CN2 server what advantage?

1, the advantages of the exchange of visits

CN2 server for other domestic routes, the biggest advantage of, is to solve the problem of the data exchange between different ISP, telecom, unicom, mobile network such as visits, and more rapid, steady!

2, a more excellent comprehensive performance

CN2 line server, relative to traditional domestic telecom network, its quality is better, less delay, and security is higher, its good lines can greatly improve the user access to experience, so that's why CN2 server accepts webmaster favour one of

3, high performance network index

Because of carrying the CN2 SLA with QoS guarantee business, and in order to meet the requirements of carries business of QoS, CN2 provides high performance network indicators, for example, in the one-way delay, one-way packet loss rate has made significant progress, therefore, use the CN2 server, can increase the enterprise business flexibility and expansibility,

CN2 line what is the advantage of the server? The above article is the CN2 line what is the advantage of the server, all content is introduced, in short CN2 circuit exchange visits, the advantage of the server is more excellent performance and high performance network indicators, hope the above articles to help you select the server,
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