Home > Enterprise >  Count how many rows have no relationship with a table under x conditions
Count how many rows have no relationship with a table under x conditions


I have a users table and a hobbies table


id | name   |
--- -------- 
1  | John   |
2  | Jim    |
3  | Karen  |

id | user_id | hobby   |
--- --------- --------- 
1  | 1       | drawing |
2  | 1       | singing |
3  | 2       | coding  |
4  | 2       | drawing |
6  | 3       | chess   |
7  | 3       | coding  |

I need an SQL query that can count how many users DON'T have 'drawing' or 'singing' as a hobby. In this example, only Karen would be counted, as they are the only one who does not like singing or drawing.

CodePudding user response:

You can use not exists . . . twice:

select u.*
from users u
where not exists (select 1 from hobbies h where h.user_id = u.id and h.hobby = 'singing') and
      not exists (select 1 from hobbies h where h.user_id = u.id and h.hobby = 'dancing') ;

CodePudding user response:

You can use the not exists operator:

FROM   users u
                   FROM   hobbies h
                   WHERE  hobby IN ('drawing', 'singing') AND
                          h.user_id = u.id)

CodePudding user response:


declare @users table(id int, name varchar(15))
declare @hobbies table(id int, user_id int, hobby varchar(15))

insert into @users

insert into @hobbies

select count(*)
from @users u
left join
(select u.id
from @users u
    inner join @hobbies h
    on h.user_id = u.id
where h.hobby in ('drawing','singing'))users_with_hobbies  on users_with_hobbies.id = u.id
where users_with_hobbies.id is null

-- or

select count(*)
from @users u   
where not id in (select u.id
   from @users u
    inner join @hobbies h
    on h.user_id = u.id
where h.hobby in ('drawing','singing'))

-- or   
select count(*)
from @users u   
where not exists (select null
  from @hobbies h   
  where h.user_id = u.id and h.hobby in ('drawing','singing'))
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