Home > Enterprise >  Calculate the number of jobs reviewed per hour per day for November 2020?
Calculate the number of jobs reviewed per hour per day for November 2020?


This question is really confusing me. They didn't provide enough details of it. Whatever they have provided I have written below.

  • job_id: unique identifier of jobs
  • actor_id: unique identifier of actor
  • event: decision/skip/transfer
  • language: language of the content
  • time_spent: time spent to review the job in seconds
  • org: organization of the actor
  • ds: date in the yyyy/mm/dd format. It is stored in the form of text and we use presto to run. no need for date function
    ds DATE,
    job_id INT NOT NULL,
    actor_id INT NOT NULL,
    event VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    language VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    time_spent INT NOT NULL,
    org CHAR(2)

INSERT INTO job_data (ds, job_id, actor_id, event, language, time_spent, org)
VALUES ('2020-11-30', 21, 1001, 'skip', 'English', 15, 'A'),
    ('2020-11-30', 22, 1006, 'transfer', 'Arabic', 25, 'B'),
    ('2020-11-29', 23, 1003, 'decision', 'Persian', 20, 'C'),
    ('2020-11-28', 23, 1005,'transfer', 'Persian', 22, 'D'),
    ('2020-11-28', 25, 1002, 'decision', 'Hindi', 11, 'B'),
    ('2020-11-27', 11, 1007, 'decision', 'French', 104, 'D'),
    ('2020-11-26', 23, 1004, 'skip', 'Persian', 56, 'A'),
    ('2020-11-25', 20, 1003, 'transfer', 'Italian', 45, 'C');

Below is the data. Points to be considered : What does the event mean? What to consider for reviewing? image1

And here's the query I've tried:

SELECT ds, COUNT(*)/24 AS no_of_job 
  FROM job_data 
   WHERE ds BETWEEN '2020-11-01' AND '2020-11-30' 

CodePudding user response:

Check below approach if it is what you are looking for.

select ds,count(job_id) as jobs_per_day, sum(time_spent)/3600 as hours_spent 
from job_data  
where ds >='2020-11-01'  and ds <='2020-11-30'  
group by ds ;

Demo MySQL 5.6: enter image description here

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