Home > Enterprise >  How to trap any VBS error and return it to the calling VBA in Access
How to trap any VBS error and return it to the calling VBA in Access


I have a program in Microsoft Access. I have VBS script files to automate SAP GUI screens ("transactions"). Using VBA in Access opens these different VBS script files using the WScript.Shell object and performs a transaction in a SAP system.

Now, sometimes there is an error while running the transaction and then the script stops. I have written the error handler in every VBS script files as follows:

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("It failed")
    'Close the SAP session
End If
Sub ShowError(strMessage)
    WScript.Echo strMessage
    WScript.Echo Err.Number & " Srce: " & Err.Source & " Desc: " &  Err.Description
End Sub

Now I want to send this error number (Err.Number) or some information that there was an error in the script to the active Access database.

How do I do it?

I tried this but it gives me an error that the database is locked!

    dim accessApp
    set accessApp = createObject("Access.Application")
    accessApp.visible = true

My real goal is that whenever there is an error after each VBS file is being executed in the SAP system then I get the error information in Access and then using VBA I will detect this and tell the program to execute the VBS file again.

Any lead would be great help!

CodePudding user response:

Rather than running them via cscript you can execute them directly using the ScriptControl (32 bit only) - this would let you catch the errors directly in Access with a standard On Error (As well as allowing you to capture a return value).

Example .VBS file:

function DoWork
    '// do some work
    msgbox 1
    '// error
    x = 100 / 0
    DoWork = "OK"
end function


Sub Foo()
    Dim vbsCode As String, result As Variant
    '// load vbs source
    Open "x.vbs" For Input As #1
    vbsCode = Input$(LOF(1), 1)
    Close #1
    On Error GoTo ERR_VBS
    With CreateObject("ScriptControl")
        .Language = "VBScript"
        .AddCode vbsCode
        result = .Run("DoWork")
    End With
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
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