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In the ERP management discussion of "more than one content code", your master.


In the ERP infrastructure, will have "more than one content code",
Background: a company is the traditional manufacturing industry, the manufacture of products, is mostly to figure processing, improvement project of department is the company's research and development, there are some products, the same process of engineering drawings, that product is the same, but provide different customer,

Example: the company is the M, A, B, C three customers, three customers at the same time is Y company suppliers, supply relationships: M - & gt; A, B, C, & gt; Y;
A, B, C to supply Y are the same parts "001"; M company is producing 001 and 001 the product, at the beginning is the direct sampling and M Y, proofing after success, Y no direct purchase, but to A, B, C M for the downstream producers, A, B, C three companies will have to find M production, purchasing, because they have assembled on the machine, 888, 001 and 888 supply to Y company, provide drawing process are directly from the Y M, the drawing information is consistent; But M to A, B, C three companies offer different, the method of payment is different also, At this time how to create material code establishment?

Question: if the same material code, then financial settlement and warehouse inventory will have influence, if establish three different material code, and there is one thing more yards?

Please advice!!!!!!

CodePudding user response:

Especially, how to better solve this problem?

CodePudding user response:

Procurement, warehousing, outbound, sales, etc., nature is the price of each batch is different, price is bundled with the material code?

CodePudding user response:

One thing more code should support, this is no problem!

But no matter how code a thing a yard or a thing, how could encode with locked into the price? Every purchase, don't I have the same sales price every inbound, outbound costs are changing, how could a fixed number?

CodePudding user response:

1, first, you need a commodity code, there is one item code, is also the iphone x, for example, you can be a A001, but any iphone x you should need a unique code for the difference between him, this is for the convenience of tracking,
2, the purchase price and sale price is the same item, the price also is different, different batch this should by purchase requisitions and sales orders to distinguish,
3, had thought the commodity code and item code, can be traced to inventory, and can according to purchase requisitions and sales work out the cost price

CodePudding user response:

reference sp1234 reply: 3/f
should support more than one content code, this is no problem!

But no matter how code a thing a yard or a thing, how could encode with locked into the price? Every purchase, don't I have the same sales price every inbound, outbound costs are changing, how could a fixed number?

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, we are M company, ABC purchase from us again bought Y, we can offer the ABC is different;

CodePudding user response:

reference sp1234 reply: 3/f
should support more than one content code, this is no problem!

But no matter how code a thing a yard or a thing, how could encode with locked into the price? Every purchase, don't I have the same sales price every inbound, outbound costs are changing, how could a fixed number?

I'm not entangled with binding price, but want to know a good thing a yard, or more than one content code is better?

CodePudding user response:

First you take a yard (whether it's more than one content code or a yard, consider any of the "code") an unlimited number of price, the first to understand, to do "good"!

CodePudding user response:

refer to the original poster yinhaohong response:
the drawing information is consistent; But M to A, B, C three companies offer different, the method of payment is different also, At this time how to create material code establishment?

Even if the internal code of ABC three companies to maintain use M coding, so the method of payment and the price also is different, what's more, the ABC company completely might use different internal code,

What "good" coding way, look at yourself to realize what kind of requirements, if you always pushed the heavy to design, so that means there is a problem,

CodePudding user response:

Only need to use batch management can solve the problem, do not need a thing more code!

Supply M company to A, B, C, the same code, but three different batch number, if someone asked why, he said three batch, production technology, raw material is different,

CodePudding user response:

Remember to give me, I just registered, need scores,

The same product different customers different prices, and explain the customers he said is not the same as the production batch, production feeding and production process is different, if the customer don't understand, they said involving company's core technology, inconvenience,

If you cannot accept this explanation, you can set three material code, at the same time set the three material can replace each other,

CodePudding user response:

Material code and it doesn't matter about the price of replenish onr's stock, independent
The same material can purchase record for many times, each time purchase supplier is different, the price is different,
As for settlement, is aimed at the supplier level, there is no problem

CodePudding user response:

Can be "more than one content code", but try not to "more than one content code",
In addition, also should see system is how to deal with this, if the product and price have a binding (in some systems, financial calculating), then only one thing more yards, if they are not binding, just try not to "more than one content code",

CodePudding user response:

First you whether in the ERP system contains, or later will be in a planned way, the production link, if you have had better use a yard, so during the MRP operation can be directly computing the material demand and supply relationship, otherwise it is easy to cause the actual material also need to buy, if not or later there will be no such, artificial judgment relationship between demand and supply, can adopt the method of more than one content code,

CodePudding user response:

How I didn't understand?

CodePudding user response:

Batch management + 1

CodePudding user response:

1, M told ABC three customer orders, if it is in the case of centralized purchasing hybrid production, inventory cost and the dispatch cost can do, not just selling price, the sales gross margin above will have differences, can not consider the effect of cost, building a, according to the customer analysis gross margin,
2, M told ABC three customer orders, batch production batch purchasing, and material cost source range is larger, can consider partial or warehouse management, time management of warehouse management applies only to ABC so the number of customers, under the condition of rather smaller batches using batch cost, need to communicate with finance, see if finance can do cost calculation of batch method and specific identification method, if not, can not consider the cost, can only consider batch tracking and counting, if with the method of warehouse management, according to the warehouse cost accounting is compared commonly simple is the most commonly used, inventory is not a problem, more weaknesses warehouse,
Generally don't recommend more than one content code, this will give the project definition, production BOM, product technology standard, ECN change a lot of trouble,

CodePudding user response:

Customer bai,

CodePudding user response:

We also have this situation, now more troublesome, especially product, some parts are domestic customers requirements, some requirements are foreign,

CodePudding user response:

Why can't a material more than the price, different supplier supply or sell to the customer the price is not very normal?
Material management itself should be according to material object management, also a kind of advice is certainly a code, the prices are different for single supplier or customer maintenance supplier material price or customer material price,

CodePudding user response:

M and ABC company is a subsidiary of belongs to a group? Need to consider the group general ledger problem?
If belong to, we suggest a yard, unified planning,
If it is outsourcing, must be different coding, different companies are recorded in client code, distinguish,

CodePudding user response:

Code should be has nothing to do with the dynamic properties of material, you want to...... can use batch number, can use a serial number, but can not be tied together with code, otherwise the problem is big, will involve the BOM, work order, order and so on a series of problems, your inventory pressure also big, to be honest an egg is an egg may be domestic free range, it is an egg for your downstream, just your cost is different, there is no need to also do not need to think like that!

CodePudding user response:

You must be in a better, for you within your warehouse, production is the production of the same product, only for sales will reflect different, there is love said to the customer product number can also be used in order, so can also distinguish between, according to the customer to calculate for financial gross margin, cost, settlement of these is not problem,

CodePudding user response:

It is ok to add a field to distinguish, the other is consistent
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