Home > Enterprise >  Tomcat normal access websphere access E com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Webapp. Webapp logError SRVE029
Tomcat normal access websphere access E com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Webapp. Webapp logError SRVE029


[the 19-1-15 15:50:27:074 CST] 00000027 DefaultDispat E com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.commons.Com monsLogger error Exception occurred during processing the request: null
Java. Lang. NullPointerException
At the sun. The awt. Shell. Win32ShellFolder2 $1. Call (242) Win32ShellFolder2. Java:
At the sun. The awt. Shell. Win32ShellFolder2 $1. Call (237) Win32ShellFolder2. Java:
The at Java. Util. Concurrent. FutureTask $Sync. InnerRun (FutureTask. Java: 314)
The at Java. Util. Concurrent. FutureTask. Run (FutureTask. Java: 149)
The at Java. Util. Concurrent. ThreadPoolExecutor $Worker. RunTask (ThreadPoolExecutor. Java: 895)
The at Java. Util. Concurrent. ThreadPoolExecutor $Worker. The run (ThreadPoolExecutor. Java: 918)
At sun. The awt. Shell. Win32ShellFolderManager2 $ComInvoker $3. The run (555) Win32ShellFolderManager2. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Thread. The run (Thread. Java: 767)

[the 19-1-15 15:50:27:074 CST] 00000027 webapp E com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Webapp. Webapp logError SRVE0293E: [Servlet error] - [null] : com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Webapp. WebAppErrorReport:
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Webapp. WebAppDispatcherContext. SendError (WebAppDispatcherContext. Java: 643)
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. SRT. SRTServletResponse. SendError (SRTServletResponse. Java: 1189)
The at org, apache struts 2. Dispatcher. DefaultDispatcherErrorHandler. SendErrorResponse (DefaultDispatcherErrorHandler. Java: 80)
The at org, apache struts 2. Dispatcher. DefaultDispatcherErrorHandler. HandleError (DefaultDispatcherErrorHandler. Java: 59)
At org, apache struts 2. Dispatcher. Dispatcher. SendError (909) the dispatcher. Java:
At org, apache struts 2. Dispatcher. Dispatcher. ServiceAction (576) the dispatcher. Java:
The at org, apache struts 2. Dispatcher. Ng. ExecuteOperations. ExecuteAction (ExecuteOperations. Java: 81)
At org, apache struts 2. Dispatcher. Ng. Filter. StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter. DoFilter (StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter. Java: 99)
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Filter. FilterInstanceWrapper. DoFilter (FilterInstanceWrapper. Java: 190)
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Filter. WebAppFilterChain. DoFilter (WebAppFilterChain. Java: 125)
At com. Hangyjx. Business. Workflow. Manager. Impl. EOSWorkFlowFilter. DoFilter (EOSWorkFlowFilter. Java: 36)
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Filter. FilterInstanceWrapper. DoFilter (FilterInstanceWrapper. Java: 190)
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Filter. WebAppFilterChain. DoFilter (WebAppFilterChain. Java: 125)
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Filter. WebAppFilterChain. _doFilter (WebAppFilterChain. Java: 80)
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Filter. WebAppFilterManager. DoFilter (WebAppFilterManager. Java: 908)
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Filter. WebAppFilterManager. InvokeFilters (WebAppFilterManager. Java: 997)
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. The extension. DefaultExtensionProcessor. InvokeFilters (DefaultExtensionProcessor. Java: 1103)
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. The extension. DefaultExtensionProcessor. HandleRequest (DefaultExtensionProcessor. Java: 1023)
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Webapp. Webapp. HandleRequest (3994) webapp. Java:
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Webapp. WebGroup. HandleRequest (WebGroup. Java: 276)
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Webcontainer. HandleRequest (webcontainer. Java: 945)
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. WSWebContainer. HandleRequest (WSWebContainer. Java: 1592)
At com. IBM. Ws. Webcontainer. Channel. WCChannelLink. Ready (WCChannelLink. Java: 191)
At com. IBM. Ws. HTTP. Channel. The inbound. Impl. HttpInboundLink. HandleDiscrimination (HttpInboundLink. Java: 454)
At com. IBM. Ws. HTTP. Channel. The inbound. Impl. HttpInboundLink. HandleNewRequest (HttpInboundLink. Java: 516)
At com. IBM. Ws. HTTP. Channel. The inbound. Impl. HttpInboundLink. The processRequest (HttpInboundLink. Java: 307)
At com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpICLReadCallback.com plete HttpICLReadCallback. Java: (84)
At com. IBM. Ws. TCP. Channel. Impl. AioReadCompletionListener. FutureCompleted (AioReadCompletionListener. Java: 175)
At com. IBM. IO. Async. AbstractAsyncFuture. InvokeCallback (AbstractAsyncFuture. Java: 217)
At com. IBM. IO. Async. AsyncChannelFuture. FireCompletionActions (AsyncChannelFuture. Java: 161)
At com.ibm.io.async.AsyncFuture.com pleted AsyncFuture. Java: (138)
At com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler.com plete ResultHandler. Java: (204)
At com. IBM. IO. Async. ResultHandler. RunEventProcessingLoop (ResultHandler. Java: 775)
At com. IBM. IO. Async. ResultHandler $2. The run (905) ResultHandler. Java:
At com. IBM. Ws. Util. ThreadPool $Worker. The run (ThreadPool. Java: 1662)
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