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Gstreamer run on JavaForm


Assume that we have a GStreamer command such as the following and it runs on the console very well. How I can run this on a specific JFrame? When I run this command on the terminal, it opens a new video scene. But I need to run this video on a specific sized JFrame Form on Netbeans.

gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=5004 buffer-size=622080 ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! fpsdisplaysink

CodePudding user response:

Here is the solution below; (Çözümüm aşağıdadır.)

// Gstreamer init - İlklendir
Gst.init(Version.BASELINE, "BasicPipeline");

// Create a named pipeline - sink isimli bir pipeline yarat.
pipeline = (Pipeline) Gst.parseLaunch("videotestsrc ! appsink name=sink");

// Create am appsink that refers to pipeline - sink'ten bir appSink nesnesi yarat
AppSink sink = (AppSink) pipeline.getElementByName("sink");

// Create GstVideoComponent object - gstVc objesi yarat.
GstVideoComponent vc = new GstVideoComponent(sink);
vc.setSize(600, 560);

// main screen is a form screen that is public static and has a jform named panel_video  - vc'yi form'a ekle

// play video - video'yu koştur.


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