I have a sql statement that I use to send mail. The output is as follows as an example.
select 'mail body content-1' as 'mailBody','11/9/221' as 'mailFooter','[email protected]' as 'mail'
union all
select 'mail body content-2' as 'mailBody','11/09/2021' as 'mailFooter','[email protected]' as 'mail'
union all
select 'mail body content-3' as 'mailBody','10/09/2021' as 'mailFooter','[email protected]' as 'mail'
Here, I send mail by "group by" for each mail and combining the data with "xml for path".
My full code is as below
DECLARE @mail varchar(255)=''
DECLARE @mailBody nvarchar(max)=''
select m.mail from (
--sql String
select 'mail body content-1' as 'mailBody','11/9/221' as 'mailFooter','[email protected]' as 'mail'
union all
select 'mail body content-2' as 'mailBody','11/09/2021' as 'mailFooter','[email protected]' as 'mail'
union all
select 'mail body content-3' as 'mailBody','10/09/2021' as 'mailFooter','[email protected]' as 'mail'
--sql String/
) m group by m.mail
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail Cursor
OPEN db_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @mail
set @mailBody=(select c.mailBody as 'span',c.mailFooter as 'small' from (
--sql String
select 'mail body content-1' as 'mailBody','11/9/221' as 'mailFooter','[email protected]' as 'mail'
union all
select 'mail body content-2' as 'mailBody','11/09/2021' as 'mailFooter','[email protected]' as 'mail'
union all
select 'mail body content-3' as 'mailBody','10/09/2021' as 'mailFooter','[email protected]' as 'mail'
--sql String/
) c where c.mail=@mail
for XML PATH ('div')
select @mail,@mailBody
--EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @mail
CLOSE db_cursor
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail Cursor/
DEALLOCATE db_cursor
As a result it gives me the following output.
My problem here is that I have to write the same "sql string" sentence 2 times.
- To group
- To use in "for xml path"
How can I get rid of this recurrence?
The "sql string" is constantly changing. But there is a field called "mail" in every sql statement. I plan to save it as a procedure and use it all the time.
Is my path the right path?
I am using SQL Server 2016.
I'm undecided on what to do with String Agg, Conditional "why" loop, sp_execute, insert into @tempTable.
CodePudding user response:
You can use a with block to generate the xml path for the loop:
DECLARE @mail varchar(255)=''
DECLARE @mailBody nvarchar(max)='';
with tmp as (
--sql String
select 'mail body content-1' as 'mailBody','11/9/221' as 'mailFooter','[email protected]' as 'mail'
union all
select 'mail body content-2' as 'mailBody','11/09/2021' as 'mailFooter','[email protected]' as 'mail'
union all
select 'mail body content-3' as 'mailBody','10/09/2021' as 'mailFooter','[email protected]' as 'mail'
--sql String/
select m.mail, (select c.mailBody as 'span',c.mailFooter as 'small' from tmp c where c.mail=m.mail for XML PATH ('div'))
from tmp m group by m.mail;
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail Cursor
OPEN db_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @mail, @mailBody
select @mail,@mailBody
--EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @mail, @mailBody
CLOSE db_cursor
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail Cursor/
DEALLOCATE db_cursor