Ok so I am making a password maker in python and I am trying to create a secure password that shows up in the console like this:
I also want the user to specify the number of alphabets the password will need (which actually works)
anyway, here is the code
import random
options = '1234567890!@#$%^&*()`~-_= \|]}[{\'";:/?.>,<QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'
char_list = tuple(options)
print("""Password checker
This either checks your password or creates a sequre password.
Your commands are \"create password\" and \"check password\"""")
command = str(input('Type your command: '))
if command.lower() == 'create password':
digit_count = int(input('How many digits do you want your password to be? (Must be more than five and under 35): '))
if digit_count >= 5 and digit_count <= 35:
for i in range(digit_count):
password = random.choice(char_list)
print('Bruh I told you to give more than 5 or under 35')
Right now, the output is like this
Someone please help mee
CodePudding user response:
Replace this part
for i in range(digit_count):
password = random.choice(char_list)
password = ''.join(random.choices(char_list, k=digit_count))
CodePudding user response:
Add an end
parameter to your output print statement -
for i in range(digit_count):
password = random.choice(char_list)
By default, the end
is equal to '\n'. So it changes the line if you do not specify the end as '' (empty)
If you do want to store the password, then use a list comprehension -
p = [random.choice(char_list) for i in range(digit_count)]
password = ''.join(p) # Or, you could just write this into a single line