Home > Enterprise >  Firebase web v9 upgrade breaks react-firebase-hooks "useCollectionData()"
Firebase web v9 upgrade breaks react-firebase-hooks "useCollectionData()"


I'm trying to update some Firebase code in a React project to the new modular web v9 sdk that Firebase released recently. The project being upgraded uses the react-firebase-hooks hook useCollectionData(), which fails upon changing to the new sdk. I get the following error output in my console 3 times when I try to run my ported code.

index.esm.js:101 Uncaught TypeError: v1.isEqual is not a function

A minimal example of working web v8 code:

import firebase from 'firebase/app'
import 'firebase/firestore'
import { useCollectionData } from "react-firebase-hooks/firestore"

firebase.initializeApp({ //config here
const firestore = firebase.firestore();

function Foo() {
  const messagesRef = firestore.collection('messages')
  const query = messagesRef.orderBy('createdAt').limit(25)
  const [messages] = useCollectionData(query, { idField: 'id' })

  return (<> {messages} </>)

My attempt at porting to v9 that causes the error:

import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app"
import { getFirestore } from "firebase/firestore"
import { useCollectionData } from "react-firebase-hooks/firestore"

const app = initializeApp({ //config here
const db = getFirestore(app)

function Foo() {
  const messagesRef = collection(db, "messages")
  const q = query(messagesRef, orderBy("createdAt"), limit(25))
  const [messages] = useCollectionData(q, { idField: "id" })
  return (<> {messages} </>)

I'm upgrading my dependencies from

"dependencies" : {
  "firebase": "^7.20.0",
  "react": "^16.13.1",
  "react-dom": "^16.13.1",
  "react-firebase-hooks": "^2.2.0",


"dependencies" : {
  "firebase": "^9.0.2",
  "react": "^17.0.2",
  "react-dom": "^17.0.2",
  "react-firebase-hooks": "^3.0.4",

This Firestore doc has examples I used to write my updated code. I also used this Firestore doc to better understand the changes to collection().

Thanks for your help.

CodePudding user response:

The React Firebase Hooks library doesn't seem to support Firebase Modular SDK yet (last release April 2021). You might have to use compat version which allows to use older name-spaced syntax even in v9.0.0 and does not have benefits of tree-shaking :

import firebase from 'firebase/compat/app'
import 'firebase/compat/firestore'
// import 'firebase/compat/[SERVICE_NAME]'
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