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How can I setState in new Reactjs function?


I'm trying out the new react for functions without class and i'm trying to use setstate but it's not working, saying undefined if i used it straight or saying it's not a function if i remove this. from it.

here is my code

    import './App.css';
import React, { useState } from 'react';

function App() {
  var [sum1, setSum1] = useState(0);
  var [sum2, setSum2] = useState(0);

  function handleClick(props) {
    let buttonText = props.target.value;
    let inputText = document.getElementById('result').value;
    console.log(inputText   buttonText);
    // let sum1 =setState;
    // let sum2 =setState;
      let  total = inputText   buttonText;
        if (total.charAt(0) === "0") {
        } else {
          document.getElementById("result").value = total;
        if (props.target.value === "clear") {
          document.getElementById("result").value = "";
        if (props.target.value === " ") {
          sum1 =document.getElementById("result").value.slice(0, -1);
          // alert(sum1);
          document.getElementById("result").value = "";
        if (props.target.value === "=") {
            sum2 =document.getElementById("result").value.slice(0, -1);
            alert(sum1 sum2);
            document.getElementById("result").innerText = sum1 sum2;
        return total;
  // function handleClick2(props) {
  //   document.getElementById("ans").innerHTML = eval(document.getElementById("result").value);
  // }
  return (
    <div className="App">
          <div id="ans" className="answer">Ans = 0</div>
          <input type="text" onChange={handleClick} readOnly  placeholder="0" className="inputid" id="result"/>
           {/* calculator buttons below */}
           {/* button   */}
           <button className="opbut" value=" " onClick={handleClick}> </button>
           {/* button - */}
           <button className="opbut" value="-" onClick={handleClick}>-</button>
           {/* button × */}
           <button className="opbut" value="*" onClick={handleClick}>×</button>
           {/* button ÷ */}
           <button className="opbut"  value="/" onClick={handleClick}>÷</button>
           {/* button 0 */}
           <button className="calbut" value={0} onClick={handleClick}>0</button>
           {/* button 1 */}
           <button className="calbut" value={1} onClick={handleClick}>1</button>
           {/* button 2 */}
           <button className="calbut" value={2}  onClick={handleClick}>2</button>
           {/* button 3 */}
           <button className="calbut" value={3} onClick={handleClick}>3</button>
           {/* button 4 */}
           <button className="calbut" value={4} onClick={handleClick}>4</button>
           {/* button 5 */}
           <button className="calbut" value={5} onClick={handleClick}>5</button>
           {/* button 6 */}
           <button className="calbut" value={6} onClick={handleClick}>6</button>
           {/* button 7 */}
           <button className="calbut" value={7} onClick={handleClick}>7</button>
           {/* button 8 */}
           <button className="calbut" value={8} onClick={handleClick}>8</button>
           {/* button 9 */}
           <button className="calbut"  value={9} onClick={handleClick}>9</button>
           {/* button ( */}
           <button className="opbut"  value="clear" onClick={handleClick}>C</button>
           {/* button ) */}
           <button className="opbut" value="Del" onClick={handleClick}>Del</button>
           {/* button % */}
           <button className="opbut" value="%" onClick={handleClick}>%</button>
           {/* button y^ */}
           <button className="opbut" value="^" onClick={handleClick}>y^</button>
           {/* button total = */}
           <button className="ansbut" value="=" onClick={handleClick}>=</button>
           <div className="appName">A Simple React Calculator - Jayflo</div>

export default App;

above is the code.... as i'm trying to select a button, and onclick operator selected, setstate and delete textfield then accept another input and operate both input...

CodePudding user response:

React has its own particular way of updating the DOM based on the state of (value of) the elements, so you can't use native element methods.

In this example we use three hooks: useState, useEffect, and useRef.

useState maintains the state of the input element, the updated calculation, and the final evaluation which is passed into the result div.

useEffect ensures that after the result has been completed we clear the calc state.

useRef is React's way of identifying an element. In this case, after each button is clicked, the input element is focused on again.

Here's a working example based on your code.

const { useRef, useEffect, useState } = React;

function Example() {

  const [ input, setInput ] = useState('');
  const [ calc, setCalc ] = useState('');
  const [ result, setResult ] = useState('');
  const inputRef = useRef();

  // Update the input state when the value is changed
  function handleInput(e) {
    const { value } = e.target;

  // When the input is no longer focused (we've clicked
  // a button) update the `calc` state
  function handleBlur(e) {
    const { value } = e.target;
    setCalc(prev => prev   value);

  // When we click a button, either update the `calc` state,
  // or if we click "=", update the `result` state
  function handleClick(e) {
    const { nodeName, value } = e.target;
    if (nodeName === 'BUTTON') {
      switch(value) {
        case '=': {
        case 'clear': {
        default: {
          setCalc(prev => prev   value);

  // When the result is updated, clear the `calc` state
  useEffect(() => setCalc(''), [result]);

  return (
    <div class="container">
        <div>{`Result: ${result}`}</div>
        <div>{`Calc: ${calc}`}</div>
        <input autoFocus ref={inputRef} onBlur={handleBlur} onChange={handleInput} type="text" value={input} />
      <div class="buttons" onClick={handleClick}>
       <button value=" "> </button>
       <button value="-">-</button>
       <button value="*">×</button>
       <button value="/">÷</button>
       <button value="0">0</button>
       <button value="1">1</button>
       <button value="2" >2</button>
       <button value="3">3</button>
       <button value="4">4</button>
       <button value="5">5</button>
       <button value="6">6</button>
       <button value="7">7</button>
       <button value="8">8</button>
       <button value="9">9</button>
       <button value="clear">C</button>
       <button value="Del">Del</button>
       <button value="%">%</button>
       <button value="^">y^</button>
       <button value="=">=</button>

// Render it
  <Example />,
.container { display: flex; width: 200px; height: 200px; }

.buttons {
  padding: 10px;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
  grid-gap: 2px;

button {
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
  border: 1px solid #111;
  padding: 10px;
  color: #EEE;
  border-radius: 5px;
  font-size: 12px;
  cursor: pointer;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/17.0.1/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/17.0.1/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<div id="react"></div>

CodePudding user response:

Let's say you want to keep track of a pending state

To make use of useState, first you have to import it

import { useState } from "react";


const [ isPending , setIsPending ] = useState(false);

the value you pass to the useState(initialValue) function will be the initial value of the state. You can pass any value like array string or object to the useState() function

To set/change the value of the state you declared


The value of your state is held by the isPending variable

CodePudding user response:

UPDATED: About your Calculator

What you're showing is mixing react and HTML and Vanilla JS. It's not well seen and it's harder to maintain. So, the react approach is available in this new code sandbox:

(It's only handling the Sum, as an example purpose of how we can do this application using only react)



You can see one example working here: https://codesandbox.io/s/intelligent-cori-5xi34?file=/src/App.js:50-759

The easiest way to do this is using hooks. Now, there are multiple hooks. In your case, you will need React.useState, it'll return 2 things: the value, the setter.

const [myValue, mySetter] = React.useState(defaultValue);

After that, everything will work almost the same, in this case, I've defined 3 states (sum1, sum2, and result) and 2 extra functions, handleResult and handleClear, which I could guess from your code.

export default function App() {
  const [sum1, setSum1] = React.useState(0);
  const [sum2, setSum2] = React.useState(0);
  const [result, setResult] = React.useState(sum1   sum2);

  const handleCalculate = () => {
    setResult( sum1    sum2);

  const handleClear = () => {

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
      <h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>
      Sum1: <input type="number" onChange={e => setSum1(e.target.value)} value={sum1}/> <br/>
      Sum2: <input type="number" onChange={e => setSum2(e.target.value)} value={sum2}/> <br/>
      <button onClick={handleCalculate}>Calculate</button>
      <button onClick={handleClear}>Clear</button>
      <h2>Result: {result}</h2>
      <h3>Interactive: { sum1    sum2}</h3>

CodePudding user response:

function App() {
const [buttonText, setButtonText] = useState("InitialValue");
const [sum1, setSum1] = useState(0);
const [sum2, setSum2] = useState(0);

  const handleClick = (props) =>{
    let inputText = document.getElementById('result').value;
    console.log(inputText   buttonText);
      let  total = inputText   buttonText;
        if (total.charAt(0) === "0") {
        } else {
          document.getElementById("result").value = total;
        if (props.target.value === "clear") {
          document.getElementById("result").value = "";
        if (props.target.value === " ") {
          // alert(sum1);
          document.getElementById("result").value = "";
        if (props.target.value === "=") {
            document.getElementById("result").innerText = sum1 sum2;
        return total;
///my code

please try this now.

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