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Not sure if the match function is used correctly or there is other mistakes in this function in r


I am trying to apply a function to calculate some variables. This is how my output should look like:

enter image description here

In column D, in red, is the way column C should be calculated. This is why I used the function match. The number to substract (1000) should be the one at the first R occurrence from column A. I never used match before so maybe there is something wrong here or anywhere else in my function.

This is what I did:

p_hi <- 0.472              
rate_increase_hi <- 1.058*10^(-3)  

seed.mass.fraction.f<-function(stage, p_hi, rate_increase_hi, c_total_biomass, c_biomass_during_rep){

 seed.mass.fraction <- 0  
 if(stage == "V") {rate_increase_hi = 0}
  if(stage == "R") {rate_increase_hi = rate_increase_hi}
  if(stage == "V") {c_biomass_during_rep = 0}
  if(stage == "R") {c_biomass_during_rep = c_total_biomass - c_total_biomass(match("R", stage))}
  if(seed.mass.fraction < p_hi)  {seed.mass.fraction = rate_increase_hi * c_biomass_during_rep}
  if(seed.mass.fraction >= p_hi) {seed.mass.fraction = p_hi}

c_total_biomass <- seq(0, 1600, 100)
stage <- c(rep("V", 10), rep("R", 7))
data.smf<- data.frame(cbind(stage, c_total_biomass)) %>%
  mutate(c_total_biomass = as.numeric(c_total_biomass)) %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(smf = seed.mass.fraction.f(stage, p_hi, rate_increase_hi, c_total_biomass, c_biomass_during_rep)) %>%

I am getting this error:

Error: Problem with `mutate()` column `smf`.
i `smf = seed.mass.fraction.f(...)`.
x could not find function "c_total_biomass"
i The error occurred in row 11.

CodePudding user response:

The issue is that seed.mass.fraction is not passed as an input argument and it should be found from the original data, which it couldn't. An option is to use cur_data_all() to get the data and subset the column

 seed.mass.fraction.f<-function(stage, p_hi, rate_increase_hi, c_total_biomass, c_biomass_during_rep){

 dat <- cur_data_all()
 c_total_biomass <- dat[["c_total_biomass"]]
 stage <- dat[["stage"]]
  first_c_total_biomass <- dat[["first_c_total_biomass"]]
  seed.mass.fraction <- 0
  if(stage == "V") {rate_increase_hi = 0}
  if(stage == "R") {rate_increase_hi = rate_increase_hi}
  if(stage == "V") {c_biomass_during_rep = 0}
  if(stage == "R") {c_biomass_during_rep = c_total_biomass - first_c_total_biomass}
  if(seed.mass.fraction < p_hi)  {seed.mass.fraction = rate_increase_hi * c_biomass_during_rep}
  if(seed.mass.fraction >= p_hi) {seed.mass.fraction = p_hi}


data.frame(stage, c_total_biomass) %>% 
    mutate(first_c_total_biomass = c_total_biomass[stage == "R"][1]) %>%
    rowwise %>% 
    mutate(smf = seed.mass.fraction.f(stage, p_hi, rate_increase_hi,
     c_total_biomass, c_biomass_during_rep)) %>%


# A tibble: 17 x 3
   stage c_total_biomass   smf
   <chr>           <dbl> <dbl>
 1 V                   0 0    
 2 V                 100 0    
 3 V                 200 0    
 4 V                 300 0    
 5 V                 400 0    
 6 V                 500 0    
 7 V                 600 0    
 8 V                 700 0    
 9 V                 800 0    
10 V                 900 0    
11 R                1000 0    
12 R                1100 0.106
13 R                1200 0.212
14 R                1300 0.317
15 R                1400 0.423
16 R                1500 0.472
17 R                1600 0.472
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