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Kafka some commonly used commands


1, start the zookeeper

Bin/zookeeper server - start. Sh config/zookeeper properties & amp;

2, start the kafka
Bin/kafka - server - start. Sh config/server. The properties & amp;

3, stop kafka
Bin/kafka - server - stop. Sh

4, stop zookeeper
Bin/zookeeper server - stop. Sh

5, create topic
Bin/kafka - switchable viewer. Sh -- -- create -- zookeeper localhost: 2181 - replication - factor 1 - partitions 1 - topic test

6, to show the topic
Bin/kafka - switchable viewer. Sh - the list - the zookeeper localhost: 2181

7, describe the topic
Bin/kafka - switchable viewer. Sh - go - the zookeeper localhost: 2181 - topic my - the replicated - topic

8, producers:
Bin/kafka - the console - producer. Sh - broker - list - topic my - the replicated - topic

9, consumer:
Bin/kafka - the console - consumer. Sh -- -- zookeeper - topic test - from - beginnin

10, delete topicbin/kafka - switchable viewer. Sh -- delete - zookeeper - topic topicname delete the content of the stored in the topic in the config/server properties found in the location of the following

11, delete the dirs specified file directory, then it is ok to restart the

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