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MQ server should how messaging between 1 to 2 MQ server?


Masters, give advice or comments please help, and for the first time I contact with MQ, small white one,

Customer request such a scenario:
A system MQserver1 MQserver2 system B

Sending messages between the two systems must be required by the middle of the two installed the MQ server for forwarding,
That my current system according to B's customers to provide some information to design our system and A MQserver1 content,
Now this is what I design:
The application of A system to send A message to B system:
To build a queue manager: in MQserver1 QM1
To build a remote queue REMQ1
To establish the local queue LOCQ1
Establish a transmission queue TranQ1
Establish a dead-letter queue DeadQ1
Establish transport channel MQ1. MQ2

Whether the news process is like this?
A system directly put messages to A remote queue REMQ1; Then REMQ1 put messages to the transmission queue TranQ1 (the specific how to put? MQ is the internal "learn to write good? ;
Transmission queue by channel MQ1. MQ2 channels to send MQserver2 local queue?

And then if is B system is A system sends A message to MQserver2 remote queue through the transmission queue, send to MQserver1 transport channel on the local queue, then A system directly obtained from the local queue is ok?

1, I design scheme for the above? Whether can be implemented?
2, after the check data, there are also some alias queue, the queue are necessarily require some?
3, a queue manager should have how many transmission queue? A transmission queue is enough? In principle should be, because it is just as the role of a transit message,

CodePudding user response:

Why no one pay attention to?

CodePudding user response:

Me a popular description, Java
Message transfer process:
Message in A system ( assembled (XML, json, etc.), the jar package by IBM objects such as (MQEnvironment MQQueueManager) will message according to MQserver1 ( configuration of the server connection channel commit to MQserver1 ( of the queue manager's configuration of the remote queue definition transmission queue, the queue manager's remote queue definition also configure the remote queue manager and A remote queue (another MQserver, also are respectively MQserver2 [] the queue manager and queue manager of A local queue MQserver2),
If MQserver1 ( and MQserver2 [] can ping and MQ service is started, the message will be from MQserver1 ( transmission queue to MQserver2 [] local queue; Otherwise message MQserver1 ( in the transmission queue backlog,
Message arrival MQserver2 [] local queue, B system ( can be provided by IBM jars of objects such as (MQEnvironment MQQueueManager) message from MQserver2 [] (get) out of the local queue, take a local queue is less a,,

Message from MQserver1 ( transmission queue to MQserver2 local queue needs in MQserver1 ( configure the sender channel, the sender channel configuration has the transmission queue,

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