Home > Enterprise >  Google Apps Script to extract data from Gmail and fill in multiple matching rows in Google Sheets
Google Apps Script to extract data from Gmail and fill in multiple matching rows in Google Sheets


Continuing from enter image description here

Currently, the script is like this...

function extractDetails(message){

  var emailData = {
    body: "Null",
    trackingno: "Null",
    weight: "Null",
    orderno: "Null",
    courier: "Null",
    shipmentno: "Null"

  emailData.body = message.getPlainBody();
  emailData.trackingno = emailData.body.match(/(?<=Tracking No. \(Actual Weight/Chargeable Weight\) ).*/).toString().trim();
  emailData.weight = emailData.body.match(/????????/).toString().trim();
  emailData.orderno = emailData.body.match(/(?<=Order No. ).*/).toString().trim();
  emailData.courier = emailData.body.match(/(?<=Courier ).*/).toString().trim();
  emailData.shipmentno = emailData.body.match(/(?<=Shipment No. ).*/).toString().trim();

  var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = activeSheet.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
  var range = sheet.getRange("A2:A"   sheet.getLastRow()).createTextFinder(emailData.trackingno).findNext();

  if (range) {
    range.offset(0, 3).setValue(emailData.weight);
    range.offset(0, 4).setValue(emailData.orderno);
    range.offset(0, 5).setValue(emailData.courier);
    range.offset(0, 6).setValue(emailData.shipmentno);
  } else {
    sheet.appendRow([emailData.trackingno, '', '', emailData.weight, emailData.orderno, emailData.courier, emailData.shipmentno]);

I know there are few errors in the above script. First, I have no idea how to write the regex to find the weight. Then, I don't know how to extract all tracking numbers. I should probably store the extracted the tracking numbers in an array and then do the matching using for loop. Please help. Thanks.

CodePudding user response:

I believe your goal is as follows.

  • You want to retrieve the values of Order No, Courier, Shipment No, Parcel Weight, and Tracking No from the following text.

      Your order is ready to be redeemed/ delivered. 
      Order No. 91401111 
      Tracking No. (Actual WeightChargeable Weight) JK5SD8F4M6 (2.1lb) 
      J6HDO9L665 (2.1lb) 
      J3SDG76435 (9.8lb) 
      Courier UPS
      Shipment No. 23879924905
  • You want to put the values to the Spreadsheet by searching the tracking No.

  • You want to achieve this using Google Apps Script.

In this case, how about the following sample script? In this case, I used your sample text for testing the script.

Sample script:

I think that in your script, text of my sample script is the same as emailData.body.

function myFunction(){
  // This text is from your question.
  const text = `Your order is ready to be redeemed/ delivered. 
Order No. 91401111 
Tracking No. (Actual Weight/Chargeable Weight) JK5SD8F4M6 (2.1lb) 
J6HDO9L665 (2.1lb) 
J3SDG76435 (9.8lb) 
Courier UPS
Shipment No. 23879924905`;

  // 1. Retrieve each value you want to retrieve.
  const obj1 = text.split("\n").reduce((o, e) => {
    const regex = new RegExp("([A-Z0-9] ) \\(([0-9.] )lb\\)");
    if (e.includes("Order")) {
      o.orderNo = Number(e.trim().split(" ").pop());
    } else if (e.includes("Courier")) {
      const t = e.trim().split(" ");  // Modified
      t.shift();  // Modified
      o.courier = t.join(" ");  // Modified
    } else if (e.includes("Shipment")) {
      o.shipmentNo = Number(e.trim().split(" ").pop());
    } else if (regex.test(e)) {
      const [, trackingNo, parcelNo] = e.match(regex);
      o.trackingNo.push({trackingNo: trackingNo, parcelNo: parcelNo});
    return o;
  }, {orderNo: "", courier: "", shipmentNo: "", trackingNo: []});

  // 2. Create an object for searching tracking No.
  const obj2 = obj1.trackingNo.reduce((o, {trackingNo, parcelNo}) => Object.assign(o, {[trackingNo]: [parcelNo, obj1.orderNo, obj1.courier, obj1.shipmentNo]}), {});

  // 3. Retrieve existing values from Spreadsheet and creating new values for putting to Spreadsheet.
  var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = activeSheet.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
  var range = sheet.getRange("A2:G"   sheet.getLastRow());
  var newValues = range.getValues().map(([a, b, c, ...efg]) => {  // Modified
    var temp = [];
    if (obj2[a]) {
      temp = [a, b, c, ...obj2[a]];
      delete obj2[a];
    } else {
      temp = [a, b, c, ...efg];  // Modified
    return temp;

  // 4. If the tracking No is not found, the values are appended to the last row.
  var tempAr = Object.entries(obj2);
  if (tempAr.length > 0) {
     newValues = newValues.concat(tempAr.map(([k, v]) => [k, "", "", ...v]));

  // 5. Clear sheet and put the new values to the sheet.
  sheet.getRange(2, 1, newValues.length, newValues[0].length).setValues(newValues);


  • In this sample script, when your text is different from the text in your question, the script might not be able to be used. So please be careful about this.


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