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How to have a user specify the amount of empty strings in an array


@State var multiOptions = [""]

I'm trying to create textfields for a user to populate with numbers but I want them to choose the amount of textfields they will populate. To do this I have a ForEach loop.

ForEach(multiOptions.indices, id: \.self) { index in
                TextField("Enter your option...", text: $multiOptions[index])

This loop creates a textfield for every empty string in multiOptions. I will include a way for the user to specify the amount of textfields they want but I was wondering if there was a way to use the users number and multiply it to multiOptions so I have the amount of empty strings that the user would like. So if the user chooses to have 6 textfields then multiOptions will have 6 empty strings.

CodePudding user response:

Here is a relatively simple answer, that is very simple to implement:

struct VariableTextFields: View {
    @State var fieldCount: Int = 1
    @State var multiOptions = [""]
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button {
            } label: {
                Text("Add Field")
            List {
                ForEach(multiOptions.indices, id: \.self) { index in
                    TextField("Enter your option...", text: $multiOptions[index])
                .onDelete { offsets in
                    multiOptions.remove(atOffsets: offsets)

SwiftUI will keep track of the count of multiOptions in the ForEach, so all you need to do is allow the user to add and subtract from it. I implemented this behavior with a button and an .onDelete() on a List.

CodePudding user response:

Here is a possible approach for you:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var options: [String] = [String]()
    @State private var countOfOptions: Int = Int()
    var body: some View {
        VStack(spacing: 5.0) {
            HStack {
                TextField("Enter count of Options", text: Binding(get: { () -> String in return (countOfOptions != 0) ? String(describing: countOfOptions) : "" },
                                                                  set: { newValue in countOfOptions = Int(newValue) ?? 0 }), onCommit: { optionBuilder() })
                Button("Create Options") { optionBuilder() }
                Button("removeAll") { options.removeAll(); countOfOptions = 0 }.foregroundColor(.red)
            ForEach(options.indices, id: \.self) { index in
                TextField("Enter your option...", text: Binding(get: { () -> String in return options[index] },
                                                                set: { newValue in options[index] = newValue }))
                    .transition(AnyTransition.asymmetric(insertion: AnyTransition.move(edge: Edge.trailing), removal: AnyTransition.move(edge: Edge.leading)))
        .animation(Animation.default, value: options)
    private func optionBuilder() {
        if options.count < countOfOptions {
            for _ in 0..<countOfOptions {
                if (options.count < countOfOptions) { options.append(String()) }
                else { break }
        else {

            for _ in 0..<options.count {
                if (options.count > countOfOptions) { options.removeLast() }
                else { break }

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