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Calculating columns using number strings in column names, data.table


I have a table (called money_table) with many columns with a financial year suffix in their name:

ID    LunchMoney_1213   DinnerMondey_1213    LunchMoney_1314    DinnerMondy_1314
01                 12                  24                 17                  18
02                234                  12                 43                  44
03                 14                  19                  2                  12

I need to make new columns adding the LunchMoney and DinnerMoney amounts for the relevant year, and delete the old columns. The idea is to end up with this:

ID    TotalMoney_1213    TotalMoney_1314
01                 36                 35
02                246                 87
03                 33                 14

I am using data.table because the table is very large, and I can do what I want using the following code:

money_table[,':='(TotalMoney_1213 = LunchMoney_1213   DinnerMoney_1213,
                  TotalMoney_1314 = LunchMoney_1314   DinnerMoney_1314)][,c(LunchMoney_1213,DinnerMoney_1213, LunchMoney_1314, DinnerMoney_1314) := NULL]

But there are many years, so writing it all out like this would take too long. I know there must be a way to use the numbers in the column names and do this more efficiently, but I haven't been able to figure it out.

Any help much appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

I think pivoting (longer), summarizing, then unpivoting (wider) works. (I wonder if keeping it in long form might be better in the long run, over to you.)

money_table <- setDT(structure(list(ID = 1:3, LunchMoney_1213 = c(12L, 234L, 14L), DinnerMondey_1213 = c(24L, 12L, 19L), LunchMoney_1314 = c(17L, 43L, 2L), DinnerMondy_1314 = c(18L, 44L, 12L)), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = "data.frame"))

  melt(money_table, id.vars = "ID"
    )[, yr := paste0("TotalMoney_", gsub(".*_", "", variable))
    ][, .(value = sum(value)), by = .(ID, yr)
  ID ~ yr, value.vars = "value")
#       ID TotalMoney_1213 TotalMoney_1314
#    <int>           <int>           <int>
# 1:     1              36              35
# 2:     2             246              87
# 3:     3              33              14

If you're already using magrittr for other things (whether with dplyr or not ... I use it with data.table all the time), this can be slightly more readable as:

melt(money_table, id.vars = "ID") %>%
  .[, yr := paste0("TotalMoney_", gsub(".*_", "", variable))] %>%
  .[, .(value = sum(value)), by = .(ID, yr)] %>%
  dcast(., ID ~ yr, value.vars = "value")

CodePudding user response:

We can try data.table with split.default

> dt[, lapply(split.default(.SD, paste0("TotalMoney_", gsub(".*_", "", names(.SD)))), sum), ID]
   ID TotalMoney_1213 TotalMoney_1314
1:  1              36              35
2:  2             246              87
3:  3              33              14

CodePudding user response:

I suggest transforming your dataframe to tidy format where each column is a variable:

money_table %>%
  gather("key", "value", c(-ID)) %>%                          # Wide -> Long format
  separate(key, into = c("type", "year"), sep = "_") %>%   # Split what used to be colum names into type and year
  spread(type, value) %>%                                  # DinnerMoney and LunchMoney are now two separate variables with values for each year
  group_by(ID, year) %>%                                   # Group by ID and year
  summarize(DinnerMoney = sum(DinnerMoney),                # Sum up DinnerMoney for each year as well as LunchMoney for each year
            LunchMoney = sum(LunchMoney)) %>%
  mutate(total_value = DinnerMoney   LunchMoney)           # Get total value for each year

# A tibble: 6 x 5
# Groups:   ID [3]
     ID year  DinnerMoney LunchMoney total_value
  <int> <chr>       <int>      <int>       <int>
1     1 1213           24         12          36
2     1 1314           18         17          35
3     2 1213           12        234         246
4     2 1314           44         43          87
5     3 1213           19         14          33
6     3 1314           12          2          14

If you want total values for each years as columns, you can pivot this table like this:

money_table %>%
  select(ID, year, total_value) %>%
  spread(year, total_value)

# A tibble: 3 x 3
# Groups:   ID [3]
     ID `1213` `1314`
  <int>  <int>  <int>
1     1     36     35
2     2    246     87
3     3     33     14
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