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Can not access child nodes inside a DIV with Angular Unit Test


I have an Angular (using Angular 10) component with a HTML snippet like below:

<div *ngIf="someCondition()" id="myID">
     <p>Line 1</p>
     <p>Line 2</p>
     <p>Line 3</p>
     <p>Line 4</p>
     <p>Line 5</p>
     <p>Line 6</p>
     <p>Line 7</p>

Now, while unit testing, I would like to figure out if *ngIf satisfies, the corresponding <div> will have 7 child elements.

In the spec file, I have the following :

it('should check for 7 elements', async () => {    
    spyOn(component, 'someCondition()').and.returnValue(true);
    await fixture.whenRenderingDone();

    const elements = fixture.debugElement.queryAllNodes(By.css('#myID'));
    // const elements = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('#myID'));    

    console.log('check elements.... ', elements);

With the above, I can not get access to the child <p> tags or the number of the children! Also, it would be good, if I could test a specific <p> tag with expected value.

How can I achieve this?

CodePudding user response:

the first thing that I noticed it is SPY

it is not correct syntax: spyOn(component, 'someCondition()').and.returnValue(true);

should be spyOn(component, 'someCondition').and.returnValue(true); - without function call

also in general I would use variable instaed of mehtod - it is easier to manipulate

Then you can do next

const resultArray = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('p'));

expect(resultArray[0].nativeElement.textContent.trim()).toBe('Line 1');
expect(resultArray[1].nativeElement.textContent.trim()).toBe('Line 2');

or you can check all values via loop

    resultArray.forEach((el, i) =>
      expect(el.nativeElement.textContent.trim()).toBe("Line "   (i   1))

implementation via DIV

    const div = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css("#myID"));

    div.childNodes.forEach((el, i) =>
      expect(el.nativeNode.innerText.trim()).toBe("Line "   (i   1))


enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Is your component using change detection ? You have to trigger change detection or override it in the testing module.

.overrideComponent(myComponent, {
  set: { changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default }

To access childnodes , you can do :

beforeEach(() => {
   fixture = TestBed.createComponent(LoginComponent);
   component = fixture.componentInstance;

        () => {
            var elementArray = fixture.debugElement. queryAll(By.css('#myID'));

To get children , you can also do this way

const items: DebugElement = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('#myId'));  
console.log(items.query(By.css('p')).children.map(e => e.nativeElement));
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