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Python: joining two dataframe with multiple conditions


I have two dataframes. One data is an annexe explaining the code and the other is the mining information. I need the data connection of the second data to extract the information according to that code in the first dataframe.

Table 1:

Numero Date Version Origine Destination Other
1111 01/11/2009 5 0065;686006;AN 0065;74590;AT 0065;686006;AN
1111 01/11/2009 5 0065;686006;AN 0065;74590;AT 0065;686006;P6
1111 01/11/2009 5 0065;686006;AN 0065;74590;AT 0065;6866675;1P

Table 2:

Code 1 Code 2 Info 1 Info 2 Date 1 Date 2
000654 LO Mcdo London 01/02/2002 01/02/2021
000654 AN Mcdo NYC 01/02/2002 01/02/2021
686006 1P KFC Paris 01/02/2002 01/02/2021
686006 AN KFC NYC 01/02/2002 01/02/2021
074590 AT Start LA 01/02/2002 01/02/2021
688975 AN Hight NYC 01/02/2002 01/02/2021

In "Origine", "Destination", "Other": numero order, code 1, code 2.

So I need to join two table with conditions "Code 1", "Code 2" to give informations orders "Info 1" and "info 2".


Numero Date Version Origine Destination Other Info Origine Info Destination Info Other
1111 01/11/2009 5 0065;686006;AN 0065;74590;AT 0065;686006;AN KFC NYC Start LA KFC NYC
1111 01/11/2009 5 0065;686006;AN 0065;74590;AT 0065;686006;P6 KFC NYC Start LA
1111 01/11/2009 5 0065;686006;AN 0065;74590;AT 0065;6866675;1P KFC NYC Start LA


CodePudding user response:

This is a long way to do this but it's clear in it's steps. Others may adapt to be more efficient. See comment within merge area - your data isn't the same format so you have to account for leading zeroes if you go with this method.

Basically, I create common columns in each table and perform multiple merges, cleaning the tables as I go.

import io

d1 = '''Numero  Date    Version Origine Destination Other
1111    01/11/2009  5   0065;686006;AN  0065;74590;AT   0065;686006;AN
1111    01/11/2009  5   0065;686006;AN  0065;74590;AT   0065;686006;P6
1111    01/11/2009  5   0065;686006;AN  0065;74590;AT   0065;6866675;1P'''

df1 = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(d1), sep=' \s ', engine='python')
df1['OrigineCode1Code2'] = df1['Origine'].str.split(';', 1).str[1]
df1['DestinationCode1Code2'] = df1['Destination'].str.split(';', 1).str[1]
df1['OtherCode1Code2'] = df1['Other'].str.split(';', 1).str[1]

d2 = '''Code 1  Code 2  Info 1  Info 2  Date 1  Date 2
000654  LO  Mcdo    London  01/02/2002  01/02/2021
000654  AN  Mcdo    NYC 01/02/2002  01/02/2021
686006  1P  KFC Paris   01/02/2002  01/02/2021
686006  AN  KFC NYC 01/02/2002  01/02/2021
074590  AT  Start   LA  01/02/2002  01/02/2021
688975  AN  Hight   NYC 01/02/2002  01/02/2021'''

df2 = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(d2), sep=' \s ', engine='python', dtype='str')
df2['Code1Code2'] = df2.apply( lambda x: ';'.join([x['Code 1'], x['Code 2']]), axis=1)
df2['Info1Info2'] = df2.apply( lambda x: ' '.join([x['Info 1'], x['Info 2']]), axis=1)

df = df1.merge(df2[['Code1Code2', 'Info1Info2']], left_on='OrigineCode1Code2', right_on='Code1Code2', how='left')
df.drop(['OrigineCode1Code2', 'Code1Code2'], axis=1, inplace=True)

# NOTE: 074590 in table 1 is different from table 2 due to leading zero; you'll have to fix that somehow as you
# won't get any matches during the merge
df = df.merge(df2[['Code1Code2', 'Info1Info2']], left_on='DestinationCode1Code2', right_on='Code1Code2', how='left')
df.drop(['DestinationCode1Code2', 'Code1Code2'], axis=1, inplace=True)

df = df.merge(df2[['Code1Code2', 'Info1Info2']], left_on='OtherCode1Code2', right_on='Code1Code2', how='left')
df.drop(['OtherCode1Code2', 'Code1Code2'], axis=1, inplace=True)

df.rename(columns={'Info1Info2_x':'Info Origine', 'Info1Info2_y':'Info Destination', 'Info1Info2':'Info Other'}, inplace=True)


   Numero        Date  Version         Origine    Destination            Other Info Origine Info Destination Info Other
0    1111  01/11/2009        5  0065;686006;AN  0065;74590;AT   0065;686006;AN      KFC NYC              NaN    KFC NYC
1    1111  01/11/2009        5  0065;686006;AN  0065;74590;AT   0065;686006;P6      KFC NYC              NaN        NaN
2    1111  01/11/2009        5  0065;686006;AN  0065;74590;AT  0065;6866675;1P      KFC NYC              NaN        NaN
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