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Efficiently splitting an array of integers into subarrays of their prime divisors so that no two sub


I am currently trying to split an integer array into sub arrays so that:

  • No two different sub arrays contain elements that have any common prime divisors.
  • Elements that share prime divisors are placed into the same sub array.

e.g. an array contatining 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14, 19 would be split into two arrays [2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14] and [19].

I've figured out a working solution, but i think it's crude and inefficient and I was wondering if there was a way to optimize it.

The solution:

public class SOExample {

    private final Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> integersPrimesMap = new HashMap<>();
    private final List<Set<Integer>> primesSubArrays = new ArrayList<>();
    private final Set<Integer> usedIntegers = new HashSet<>();

    public SOExample(int[] arr) {
        for (int i : arr) {
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Set<Integer>> x : integersPrimesMap.entrySet()) {
        // Combine sub arrays which contain overlapping elements
        Iterator<Set<Integer>> i = primesSubArrays.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            Set<Integer> x = i.next();
            for (Set<Integer> j : primesSubArrays) {
                if (x != j && !Collections.disjoint(x, j)) {
        // figure out which integer belongs to which sub array from their prime divisors in integersPrimesMap and create sub arrays of integers.

    private void calculatePrimeFactors(int n) {
        if (usedIntegers.contains(n)) {
        Set<Integer> factors = new HashSet<>();
        if (n % 2 == 0) {
            n = n / 2;
        while (n % 2 == 0) {
            n = n / 2;

        for (int i = 3; i <= Math.sqrt(n); i = i   2) {
            if (n % i == 0) {
                n = n / i;
            while (n % i == 0) {
                n = n / i;
            if (n == 1) {
        if (n > 2) {
        integersPrimesMap.put(n, factors);

My biggest struggle is with combining sub arrays of the integers prime factors, my current solution is O(n^2). I'm fairly certrain that it can be done faster but I was unable to work out the answer by my self.

CodePudding user response:

For disjoint sets, we can use a disjoint-set data structure.

Python code (sorry, I'm unfamiliar with Java):

# The Disjoint set (by Matt Timmermans)
# has the value as either the size of the set
# in case of the parent, or the negative index
# of the parent in case of a child.
def find(ds, idx):
  if ds[idx] > 0:
    return idx

  root = find(ds, -ds[idx])

  # Path compression
  if ds[idx] != -root:
    ds[idx] = -root

  return root

# Returns False if the
# elements are ALREADY
# in the same set.
def union(ds, a, b):
  a_root = find(ds, a)
  b_root = find(ds, b)

  if a_root == b_root:
    return False

  # Union by size
  if ds[a_root] >= ds[b_root]:
    ds[a_root]  = ds[b_root]
    ds[b_root] = -a_root
    ds[b_root]  = ds[a_root]
    ds[a_root] = -b_root

  return True

# End code by by Matt Timmermans

def prime_factors(n):
  primes = []
  i = 2
  while i*i <= n:
    if n % i == 0:
      while n % i == 0:
        n //= i
    i  = 1

  if n > 1:

  return primes

import collections

def update(ds, m, val, index):
  if val in m:
    return index
  m[val] = index
  if len(ds) < index   1:
  return index   1

def f(A):
  ds = []
  prime_index = 0
  prime_to_index = {}
  factor_list = [0] * len(A)

  for i, a in enumerate(A):
    ps = prime_factors(a)

    factor_list[i] = ps[0]
    prime_index = update(ds, prime_to_index, ps[0], prime_index)

    ps_0_idx = prime_to_index[ps[0]]

    for j in range(1, len(ps)):
      prime_index = update(ds, prime_to_index, ps[j], prime_index)
      idx = prime_to_index[ps[j]]
      union(ds, ps_0_idx, idx)

  result = collections.defaultdict(list)

  for i, factor in enumerate(factor_list):
    parent = find(ds, prime_to_index[factor])

  return list(result.values())


A = [2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14, 19]

print(f(A)) # [[2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14], [19]]

CodePudding user response:

this algorithm is with complexity of O(n^2*log(m)) when n is the length of the array and m is the maximum element in the array.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    for (int[] result : split(new int[] {2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14, 19})) {

//Complexity: O(n^2 * m)    [ n=arr.length, m=max(arr) ]
public static int[][] split(int[] arr) {
    List<LinkedList> lists = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int n : arr) {
        LinkedList selectedList = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < lists.size(); i  ) {
            LinkedList list = lists.get(i);
            if (list.hasNumberWithCommonPrimeFactor(n)) {
                if (selectedList == null) {//if we haven't added the number yet
                    //add the number to the set
                    selectedList = list;
                } else {
                    //join the lists
        if (selectedList == null) {//if we haven't added the number
            //let put the number inside a new list
            lists.add(new LinkedList(n));
    //convert the sets to arrays
    return lists.stream().map(LinkedList::toArray).toArray(int[][]::new);

//gcd function with complexity O(log(a b))
public static int gcd(int a, int b) {
    return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);

private static class LinkedList {
    public Node first;
    public Node last;
    public int size;

    //Complexity: O(1)
    public LinkedList(int firstValue) {
        first = last = new Node(firstValue);
        size = 1;

    //Complexity: O(1)
    public void add(int value) {
        last = last.next = new Node(value);
        size  ;

    //Complexity: O(1)
    public void joinAfter(LinkedList other) {
        last.next = other.first;
        last = other.last;
        size  = other.size;

    //Complexity: O(n)
    public int[] toArray() {
        int[] arr = new int[size];
        Node node = first;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i  ) {
            arr[i] = node.value;
            node = node.next;
        return arr;

    //Complexity: O(n)
    public boolean hasNumberWithCommonPrimeFactor(int num) {
        Node node = first;
        while (node != null) {
            if (gcd(node.value, num) > 1)
                return true;
            node = node.next;
        return false;

private static class Node {
    public int value;
    public Node next;

    public Node(int value) {
        this.value = value;

this will print

[2, 6, 3, 9, 14, 7]

the idea I was using is that gcd(a,b)==1 if and only if a,b aren't sharing any prime factor

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