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Can anyone help me solve this problem with recursion in lists?


I'm new to Haskell and not the greatest at math. I've been given an assignment in which one of the points ask us to: "Make a function that, given a list with values, returns the position of the first value greater than the one sent as a parameter. In case it's not found, return -1. You must use recursion"

The solution I came up with is the following:

posicionPrecioMayorA :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer
posicionPrecioMayorA [] a = (-1) 
posicionPrecioMayorA (x:xs) a
    | x > a = 0
    | otherwise = 1   posicionPrecioMayorA xs a

But it has a main problem, in case it doesn't find a number greater than the parameter, the otherwise sentence will keep on counting until [] and then add (-1) to it in the traceback.


posicionPrecioMayorA [10,15,30] 100 => 2

Hopefully someone can help me fix it. Thank you!

CodePudding user response:

You can create a helper function and keep track of the position you are at while recusring.

posicionPrecioMayorA :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer
posicionPrecioMayorA xs a = go xs a 0 where
  go [] _ _ = -1
  go (x:xs) a c
    | x > a = c
    | otherwise = go xs a (c 1)

CodePudding user response:

You say your problem is that, if it didn't find the searched-for element, then it keeps adding 1 to the counter anyway. Well, that sounds like a perfectly good description of the problem: you add unconditionally, where you wish you added conditionally. So, just write a condition into your program, and don't add 1 if the result is -1:

posicionPrecioMayorA :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer
posicionPrecioMayorA [] a = (-1)
posicionPrecioMayorA (x:xs) a
    | x > a = 0
    | otherwise = case posicionPrecioMayorA xs a of
                    -1 -> -1
                    index -> 1   index
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