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how to compare two data frame on one string column that the number of samples are different pandas


I have two data frame and there are two columns that I want to check them. The number of samples in two data frame are different. I tried to do that in two ways but raises error that ValueError: Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects.


How are you?
I'm doing fine..
Agent please ...

How are you?
Im doing fine
Agent please

So the result would be:

How are you?

I did this: comparison_column = np.where(dftest["text"] == dftrain["text"], True, False) but it seems its for the cases where the number of samples in both data frame are the same.

I found this link close to what I need but still is different.

CodePudding user response:

You can apply on the smallest DataFrame like dftest then check in unique() values in largest DataFrame like dftrain like below :

>>> dftrain = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['text', 'Hello', 'How are you?', 'Hello', 'Hello' , 'Hello']})

>>> dftest = pd.DataFrame({'col2': ['text', 'hello', 'How are you?', 'hello']})

>>> dftest.loc[dftest['col2'].apply(lambda x : x in dftrain.col1.unique()), 'col2']

0            text
2    How are you?
Name: col2, dtype: object

>>> dftest.loc[dftest['col2'].apply(lambda x : x in dftrain.col1.unique()), 'col2'].tolist()

['text', 'How are you?']
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