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Rstudio extracted from KML coordinate points


Want from KML file to import sat punctuation

Getwd ()
The library (classInt)
The library (FPC)
The library (leaflet)
The library (maptools)
The library (raster)
The library (RColorBrewer)
The library (rmarkdown)
The library (sp)
The library (spatstat)
The library (rgeos)

LondonBorough<- readShapeSpatial (" London_Borough_Excluding_MHW. SHP ")
QTM (LondonBorough)
The summary (LondonBorough)
Class (LondonBorough)
The install packages (" rJava ")

# stimulate operation of openstreetmap
If (Sys. Info () [' sysname]=='Darwin') {
Libjvm & lt; - paste0 (system2 ('/usr/libexec/java_home, stdout=TRUE) [1], '/jre/lib/server/libjvm dylib')
The message (paste0 (' Load libjvm. Dylib from: ', libjvm))
Dyn. Load (libjvm)
The library (rJava)
The library (OpenStreetMap)
The library (rgdal)

Data (simply_list. CSV)
List<- read. CSV (" full_attributions_list. CSV ")

Samething & lt; - readOGR (DSN="London_Borough_Excluding_MHW. SHP")
OgrInfo (DSN="London_Borough_Excluding_MHW. SHP", layer="London_Borough_Excluding_MHW")
CRS (samething)

ETRS89 & lt; - "+ init=epsg: 25833"
Proj4string (samething) & lt; - CRS (ETRS89)
The plot (samething)

Attractions & lt; - getKMLcoordinates (kmlfile="full_list. KML", ignoreAltitude=T)

The summary (attractions)
CRS (attractions)
Attractionss_projection & lt; - spTransform (attractions, CRS (ETRS89))

Plot (samething, LWD=0.7, border="grey40")
The plot (attractions, add=TRUE, PCH=16, col='red')

Then an error is
Attractionss_projection & lt; - spTransform (attractions, CRS (ETRS89))
The Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
Unable to find an inherited method for function "spTransform" for people "" the list", "CRS"
And continue to try to plot error
The plot (attractions, add=TRUE, PCH=16, col='red')
The Error in the xy. Coords (x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
'x' is a list, but does not have the components' x 'and' y '

But KML coordinates can see on Google map in addition to the coordinate system of don't know where the problem is not the same as
The summary out so
The summary (attractions)
The Length of the Class Mode
[1, 2] - none - numeric
[2] 2 - none - numeric
[3] 2 - none - numeric
[4] 2 - none - numeric
[5] 2 - none - numeric
[6] 2 - none - numeric
[7] 2 - none - numeric
[8] 2 - none - numeric
[9] 2 - none - numeric

Also can see the two values in values

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