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Can't change the TextBox text


I would like to change the text of a TextBox in my Backgroundworker but it does not work and I cannot find the mistake in my code.


class Check_Server
    WebSocket webSocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8548");
    private Form1 Form1;

    public void Check_WebSocket(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
        BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
        while (!worker.CancellationPending)
            Console.WriteLine("checking connection");
            if (webSocket.IsAlive == true)
                Console.WriteLine("not connected");
                Form1 form = new Form1();

    void MakeNewConnection()


public void SetText(string text)
    if (InvokeRequired)
        this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate () { SetText(text); });
    textBox1.Text  = text;

CodePudding user response:

You don't display your Form. Add form.Show() or form.ShowDialog(), depending on whether or not you want to wait until the user closes the form.

Also, I found this extension method quite useful to make thread-safe changes to a control. Use it like this: textBox1.InvokeSave(() => textBox1.Text = text);.

public static partial class ControlExtensions
    public static void InvokeSave(this Control control, Action action)
        Delegate del = action;

            if (control.InvokeRequired)
            else action();
        catch (ObjectDisposedException)
            // guess do nothing is fine then

CodePudding user response:

Websockets in winforms is made a lot easier with a lib from Mariusz Kotas called, perhaps unsurprisingly, Websocket.Client ; if you open VS' nuget package manager and search it, you'll find it (currently circa version 4.3)

Setup could look like:

private WebsocketClient _cws;

private async void ConnectButton_Click(..){

    _cws = new WebsocketClient(new Uri("your uri here"));

    _cws.MessageReceived.Subscribe(msg => MessageReceived(msg.Text));

    _cws.DisconnectionHappened.Subscribe(info => DoSomething("Disconnection happened: "   info));

Sending a message could look like:

private async void ConnectButton_Click(..){

Receiving a message is subscribed above:

private void MessageReceived(string msg)

    //local function for logging
    void addAndScrollAsync()
        _messagesListBox.Items.Add( msg);

        //this scrolls to show new messages while the listbox is at the bottom, but doesn't if it's been scrolled up
        int visibleItems = _messagesListBox.ClientSize.Height / _messagesListBox.ItemHeight;
        if (_messagesListBox.Items.Count > visibleItems && _messagesListBox.TopIndex > _messagesListBox.Items.Count - visibleItems - 2)
            _messagesListBox.TopIndex = _messagesListBox.Items.Count - visibleItems   1;


    _messagesListBox.InvokeEx(() => addAndScrollAsync());


I have some helper extensions to do any invoking:

public static class ControlExtensions
    public static TResult InvokeEx<TControl, TResult>(this TControl control,
                                               Func<TControl, TResult> func)
      where TControl : Control
        return control.InvokeRequired
                ? (TResult)control.Invoke(func, control)
                : func(control);

    public static void InvokeEx<TControl>(this TControl control,
                                          Action<TControl> func)
      where TControl : Control
        control.InvokeEx(c => { func(c); return c; });

    public static void InvokeEx<TControl>(this TControl control, Action action)
      where TControl : Control
        control.InvokeEx(c => action());
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