Home > Enterprise >  Client does not refresh ID of new object | ASP.NET core 5
Client does not refresh ID of new object | ASP.NET core 5


I'm following a book on Blazor web assembly, and I have created a simple app that can add, delete and update tasks using the JSON helper methods for the HttpClient service.

When I add a new task, the database id of that task will be shown as 0 on the browser until the page is refreshed.

Adding a task

After refreshing the page

Updating or deleting the item after adding it is impossible until after I refresh the page, since the methods refer to a nonexistent Task ID of 0.

The code is taken from the following github repo:https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Blazor-WebAssembly-by-Example/tree/main/Chapter08


@page "/"

@if (tasks == null)
    <div class="d-flex col col-lg-3 mb-4">
        <input placeholder="Enter Task" @bind="newTask" />
        <button class="btn btn-success"

    @foreach (var taskItem in tasks)
        <div class="d-flex col col-lg-3 border-bottom"
            <div class="p-2 flex-fill">
                <input type="checkbox" checked="@taskItem.IsComplete" @onchange="@(()=> CheckboxChecked(taskItem))" />
                <span class="@((taskItem.IsComplete? "completed-task" : ""))">
                    ID: @taskItem.TaskItemId
            <div class="p-1">
                <button class="btn btn-outline-danger btn-sm"
                        title="Delete task"
                        @onclick="@(()=> DeleteTask(taskItem))">
                    <span class="oi oi-trash"></span>


AddTask method

    private async Task AddTask()
        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newTask))
            TaskItem newTaskItem = new TaskItem
                TaskName = newTask,
                IsComplete = false

            string requestUri = "TaskItems";
            var response = await Http.PostAsJsonAsync(requestUri, newTaskItem);

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                newTask = string.Empty;
                var task =
                    await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync
                error = response.ReasonPhrase;

How can I add a Task and have the page properly load the object ID on first load?

CodePudding user response:

Your API is already able to do this, just make a few changes:

private async Task AddTask()
    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newTask))
        TaskItem newTaskItem = new TaskItem
            TaskName = newTask,
            IsComplete = false
        //tasks.Add(newTaskItem);  -- not this one

        string requestUri = "TaskItems";
        var response = await Http.PostAsJsonAsync(requestUri, newTaskItem);

        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            newTask = string.Empty;
            var task =
                await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync

            tasks.Add(task);  // add this one
            error = response.ReasonPhrase;

You add the task that comes back from the backend. That ensures consistency. And it gives you the Id.

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