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Key error when pivoting a table even if the column exists


I have a dataframe that looks like this (this is just a small sample):

student     school      team       answers     question
a           scl         first      True        x
a           scl         first      False       y
a           scl         first      True        y
b           scl         first      False       x
c           scl         sec        False       y
c           scl         sec        True        z
d           scl         sec        True        x
d           scl         sec        True        z
e           scl         third      True        z
e           scl         third      False       z

I want to do a ranking that looks like this:

      question  first  sec  third
0            x    0.5  1.0    NaN
1            y    0.5  0.0    NaN
2            z    NaN  1.0    0.5

So I wrote:

df_overall = df.groupby(['team', 'question'])['answers'].apply(lambda x: x.sum()/len(x)).reset_index()
df_overall = df_overall.sort_values(by=['question']).rename(columns={'answers': 'TeamRanking'})
df_overall = df_overall.pivot_table(index='question', columns='team', values='TeamRanking').reset_index().rename_axis(None, axis=1)

But it gives me a KeyError: 'team' in the last line. If I run just the first two lines, it works. I tried putting ['team'] in brackets, and I checked the columns print (df.columns.tolist()) and they are all there, no blank spaces, no weird writing. The dtypes are all objects except answers which is bool. I really don't understand why it's not finding it

CodePudding user response:

Pivot and drop multi-index column, code below

 newdf =pd.pivot_table(df,index='question', columns=['team'], aggfunc=np.mean).droplevel(0, axis=1).reset_index()

team question  first  sec  third
0           x    0.5  1.0    NaN
1           y    0.5  0.0    NaN
2           z    NaN  1.0    0.5

CodePudding user response:

Use pivot_table:

>>> df.pivot_table(index='question', columns='team', values='answers')

team      first  sec  third
x           0.5  1.0    NaN
y           0.5  0.0    NaN
z           NaN  1.0    0.5

I also considered the case where I only take the first answer of a student into consideration and I ignore the fact that they answered the same question several times

>>> df.drop_duplicates(['student', 'team', 'question']) \
      .pivot_table(index='question', columns='team', values='answers')

team      first  sec  third
x           0.5  1.0    NaN
y           0.0  0.0    NaN
z           NaN  1.0    1.0
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