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Facebook share button disappear when route changed in nuxt.js (vue.js)


In my nuxt.js ("nuxt": "^2.15.7") web app I am using Facebook share button as described in this full code example.

When application loads for the first time, then facebook share button is rendered correctly. Unfortunately, when I navigate to another route and/or navigate back, then facebook share button disappears. Why this happens and how to fix it?

I have tried to implement following solutions including offered by the @Cbroe and @kissu:

  1. Facebook share button dissapear after updatePanel
  2. How to add a 3rd party script code into Nuxt
  3. Facebook social plug-in not showing up when added dynamically

Unfortunately, above offered solutions doesn't solved my problem.

What is interesting, that Vue developer tools in Chrome browser indicates, that component <FbShareButton> is present, but it doesn't show up on the page.

There is my initial code:

I have created nuxt plugin loadFacebookSdk.js to load Facebook SDK into the app, there is the code:

Vue.prototype.$loadFacebookSDK = async (d, s, id) => {
    var js = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]
    var fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]
    if (d.getElementById(id)) {
    js = d.createElement(s)
    js.id = id
    js.src = "https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v3.0"
    fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs)

Then registered above plugin in the nuxt.config.js as following:

plugins: [
    { src: "~/plugins/loadFacebookSdk.js", mode: 'client' }

And finally created FbShareButton.vue component to load facebook SDK and render facebook share button:

        <div id="fb-root"></div>
        <div class="fb-share-button" 

export default {
    async created () {
        if (process.client) {
            await this.$loadFacebookSDK(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')

CodePudding user response:

There is a solution which solved a problem.

I have created separate component FbShareButton.vue

Put all logic (including Facebook SDK loading) inside that component as per this and this posts.


    <div id="1">
        <div id="fb-root"></div>
        <div class="fb-share-button" 

export default {
    props: ['articleUrl', 'articleTitle', 'articleImage', 'articleDescription'],
    head () {
        return {
            meta: [
                { property: "og:url", content: this.articleUrl },
                { property: "og:type", content: "website" },
                { property: "og:title", content: this.articleTitle },
                { property: "og:description", content: this.articleDescription },
                { property: "og:image", content: this.articleImage },
                { property:"fb:app_id", content:"YOUR_FB_APP_ID" }
            script: [
                    hid: 'fb',
                    src: 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v3.0',
                    defer: true,
                    // changed after script load
                    callback: () => {
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