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pg-promise thinks my database table doesn't exist


I am trying to get up and running with enter image description here

public.test doesn't work either, nor does calibration-training.public.test, or Test or "Test" or "test".

psql also shows that the table exists:

code/calibration-training-api [master●] » psql
psql (14.0)
Type "help" for help.

adamzerner=# \c calibration-training
You are now connected to database "calibration-training" as user "adamzerner".
calibration-training=# \dt
         List of relations
 Schema | Name | Type  |   Owner
-------- ------ ------- ------------
 public | Test | table | adamzerner
(1 row)

CodePudding user response:

That's because test and "Test" are 2 different table names.

Check camel-case escaping SQL names in PostgreSQL ;)

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