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Teach you how to use a free ERP


Now in the market of free software, how to use a free product is a lot of people is a headache thing,
Generally use free ERP software basic it is small, used to use tightfisted, database so the administrator, if the enterprise have to understand that is good,
For the enterprise, at the time of using enterprise management software, the most important is data, so must to backup this in the beginning of the first good,

1, the enterprise wants to find a management software to use, the first is to understand and determine the company's internal needs,

A beginning and want to use the software, the company's management to identify which department solve the problem of what, need what functions of the software system, for example, the company's administrative, sales, purchasing, warehouse, finance should be unified management,

2, find free ERP, online test (general functions meet the requirements), and then download and install authorization,

Many people started being frightened by [] environment configuration, which is for business, if your company will use three or four people, a computer can also be used as a small server, this is not something,
Another is during the installation process will encounter many problems, say again, already very detailed installation instructions to the contents, general according to guide operation there will be no big problem,
Even if there is a problem, don't panic, also can add free QQ group counseling, there will be a professional answer you (free)
, of course, if you want to spend money easy trouble, let me help you remote installation, I am also very happy to (O (studying studying) O)


(1) on the Internet for free ERP to polish eyes, is really free, is only a free trial, know, want to know what software to use, information and work depends on the system, if there is one hole, it is easy to others and
(2) the function of the software development, or have a 2 years, to upgrade or add site function, can not achieve, was dumbfounded,
(3) mobile APP is now the norm, B/S architecture web access, and more convenient; Make a little awake, if this free products or stand-alone version of the C/S architecture, you may want to consider whether the product value by their company, are there any update may,
(4) to understand the software can provide the resources and the security, the more powerful the more brand company, on this piece will have more resources available, all kinds of product documentation, training documents, operation video, etc., be sure it is your learning software security,

3, what are the available free resources free ERP?
Some general consulting or is the operation of the software usage, and so on these, consulting the problem don't money, say a word, don't money,
If anyone can be confident will be a series of products all free software pushed to the market, there will be some free services support ,

Often meet some customers, temporary session from the website to seek me, and a king is Fried problem, and the problem can be avoided, to monkey around, get to go wrong, began to be afraid to seek solutions to spend money, finally spent big money,
so a lot of people say free wonky, finally do more harm than good, really is free of wrong? In fact is not, you just didn't make good use of free resources (have free enterprise professionals can ask, why don't ask, don't?)

Some people say that don't know how to ask, download the software installation package, next to have free service of qq group,

(1) learn to ask questions: a, appear what state (screenshot, sectional map) as far as possible; B, before the problem, what do you do actions; Etc.
(2) we do are also very busy, sometimes can't reply in time; Not a software problem, it is suggested that his first search on the Internet; Software operating problems can be found in the online help, other software problems can search on the BBS,
(3) to solve itself as far as possible to solve (at no cost to use ERP the road is tortuous, of course, grow faster, perhaps has experienced, can give to others on the net service charge, this kind of situation is not without)

4, according to the demand condition to determine the company's own fundamental data complete
Complete basic data is the basis of good can use ERP, so after identified the company's software requirements, and to confirm the foundation data of each department and personnel department employee information, for example, the warehouse department of material information, the procurement department of the supplier's information, such as

5, don't think that software is free, don't seriously,
Enterprise internal preparation, confirm the project director and the head of the company, software application and training plan
First need to confirm with my boss good project manager, must have the power within the company, can do things people's temporary command related personnel when the head, and then all of you to have a training plan, be sure to let people familiar with the good work of software function of the operation,
Must have a problem dealing with other mechanisms related problem feedback, to related people in time treatment, in this case, the fastest to lead others to get things up,

6, training and real application of the software, must grasp the good time, and must be quickly handle, can't drag,
Software function before training, basic data can be arranged according to the system of rules to EXCEL in practice and guide to the system,
The safest approach is to establish a practice set, each department built data, through the software operating practice 2 weeks, after the familiar, such as the official start of the import all kinds of data, formally began using,

Time must be a link button on a link, the software is not very complex, is a few operations, can early compaction, guarantee the accuracy of the data, when you get used to these operations, good,

Really with it later, you'll find all kinds of miscellaneous problems from time to time the emergence of many actually are the result of the work and software running in, at that time, head of the understanding of the software and software companies to provide various and solve the problem of data security is very important,

7, in effect, problem solving,
With software system, is to solve the problems of the company, so after all skilled operating software, must be clear whether solved the system on trying to solve the problem, if not, will lead to the goal, will certainly become a mere formality or software,

CodePudding user response:

Feel it's best not to choose free ERP software,
Small companies with good EXCEL spreadsheets in the initial stage, can get rid of most of the problems in the management, narrowly on a 'ERP system just adds additional workload and risk, etc.,
Wait to feel the EXCEL form cannot meet the practical, preliminary enters sells saves the software as a transition is also a good choice,

CodePudding user response:

Looking for a reliable person custom development, carefully calculated cost efficiency,

The key is the enterprise to know understand the development of the boss, don't pursue cheap and only know to find cloud mountain fog cover the salesman,

CodePudding user response:

ERP is personalized, on taobao is not so simple,

CodePudding user response:

To be too simplistic

CodePudding user response:

reference 5 floor wedsky reply:
think too simplistic

This strategy is aimed at those so-called free version of the software on the market, only financial enters sells saves the + OA, relatively less complicated functions,

CodePudding user response:

reference sp1234 reply: 3/f
on ERP is individualized, not so simple on taobao,

Convince you say truth,
But for those who don't want to spend money, again remind of the simple management of enterprise, can be reference for the general market as free ERP (basically financial enters sells saves the OA)

For small businesses, it will be even more unrealistic for custom development,

CodePudding user response:

In fact, every company, it is better to cultivate a good programmer or computer enthusiasts, so that we can solve many difficult problems for the company, improve the work efficiency, but many companies feel no need, there are problems, such as looking for technical personnel door-to-door, here to buy insurance for a reason,

CodePudding user response:

Mark, friend, how are you,

CodePudding user response:

references 9 f yilanwuyu123 response:
Mark. Friends, hello,

Everybody is good, is really good

CodePudding user response:

If not much use

CodePudding user response:

Free, don't feel well

CodePudding user response:

Where is not very good?
We are now without even opening two tool platform were provided free of charge for the market

CodePudding user response:

Also didn't see a few free use ERP or enters sells saves the software, who can share recommend?

CodePudding user response:

reference 16 floor sinat_36452690 response:
also didn't see a few free use ERP or enters sells saves the software, who can share recommend?

http://baijiahao.baidu.com/s? Id=1604509200276064274 & amp; WFR=spider& For=PC

CodePudding user response:

Free ERP must have, should look for many on the market, but as the saying goes, "there is no such thing as a free lunch", is also in ERP, you rest assured, with a set of free ERP to manage the enterprise all the information you? Where your information is kept, the service life is long, such as function can meet this a series of problems are considered, and so it is better to directly select a cost-effective and suitable, comfortable to use, there are several domestic cost-effective such as SAP, intellectual bond international...

CodePudding user response:

To try think tank international bond, www.zbintel.com

CodePudding user response:

Learn the,,,,

CodePudding user response:

The function of main body of the ERP is so many, the function of the various suppliers with the free version directory is generally low; nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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