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Laravel 8 PHPUnit Failed Test -- Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\FileNotFoundException : File doe


When running the test below, I get an error at the line $this->assertTrue(File::exists(database_path('migrations/'.$filename)));. My model is being created and the migration file is being created, but I don't think the $filename function is running properly because the migration file being created is named 2021_10_28_165227_create_tests_table.php but the assert checks are looking for migration file 2021_10_28_045227_create_tests_table.php. As you can see $now->format('h') part of the filename is different from what is created than what is being verified.

A separate variable that may or may not be an issue is I am using Laravel Valet, which might be a reason the hour, seconds and minutes are not synced to my local time.

class TenantScopeTest extends TestCase
    use RefreshDatabase, WithFaker;
    public function a_model_has_a_tenant_id_on_the_migration()
        $now = Carbon::now();
        $this->artisan('make:model Test -m');

        // find the migration file and check it has a tenant_id on it
        $filename = $now->year . '_' . $now->format('m') . '_' . $now->format('d') . '_' . $now->format('h')
            . $now->format('i') . $now->format('s') .
        // clean up

CodePudding user response:

Maybe selecting a different timezone when using Carbon::now() would fix your issue

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