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How to assign a variable of type (x:number)=>{y:number,z:number}?


I have a variable foo to be initialized. My attempt below does not compile.

let foo: (x: number)=>{y:number,z: number}= (x)=>{x 1,x 2};

with the following error:

Left side of comma operator is unused and has no side effects.ts(2695) (parameter) x: number


What is the correct way to initialize the variable foo?

CodePudding user response:

Because of how arrow function notation works, the curly braces around the output are interpreted as containing the function body instead of a value being returned.

It also looks like you've forgot to add the y and z labels in your output.

Try this:

let foo: (x: number) => {y: number, z: number} = (x) => {
    return {y: x 1, z: x 2};

It's also worth noting that when initialising a variable in this way, TypeScript is able to infer its type. So you can actually shorten your code to just this:

let foo = (x: number) => {
    return {y: x 1, z: x 2};
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