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How to get Iteration Number inside @foreach loop by using ASP.NET Core inside the view


I am new to ASP.NET Core development. I am looking for something like a built-in way to use loop iteration numbers inside the view of ASP.NET Core.

I did some research and found solutions like creating int variable outside the loop and then increment inside the loop.

I want to index each user.

Here is my code:

@foreach (var item in l_IEnumerableModUserQuery)
            <!-- Here I want to add Iteration No. here--> 
            <a href="#">

CodePudding user response:

You could use a simple for loop to get the index:

//use .Count if it is a List or .Count() with Linq to get the boundary.
@for(var i = 0; i < l_IEnumerableModUserQuery.Count; i  )
            <a href="#">

Thomas Levesque has a neat approach on his blog, using an extension method:

public static IEnumerable<(T item, int index)> WithIndex<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
    return source.Select((item, index) => (item, index));

Which would result in:

@foreach (var (item, idx) in l_IEnumerableModUserQuery.WithIndex())
            <a href="#">

With an eye on the extension methods approach, you could as well amend your views model and include the index as a property in your model inside your controller / handler or whereever your model is created:

var l_IEnumerableModUserQuery = 
     someSource.Where(x => ...)
               .Select((x, index) => new MyModel {
                     Index = index,
                     Pr_Email = xxx,
                     Pr_Contact = xxy,
                     /* ... rest of model */
return l_IEnumerableModUserQuery;

After this you could access the index like any other property in your view:

 <a href="#">

CodePudding user response:

you can findout the index of the item

int indx=0;}

@foreach (var item in l_IEnumerableModUserQuery)
                        <a href="#">
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