I am migrating my code from java to python, but I am still having some difficulties understanding how to fetch a specific path in json using python.
This is my Java code, which returns a list of accountsId
public static List < String > v02_JSON_counterparties(String date) {
baseURI = "https://cdwp/cdw";
String counterparties =
.auth().basic(getJiraUser(), getJiraPass())
.param("limit", "1000000")
.param("count", "false")
.get("/counterparties/" date).body().asString();
List < String > accountId = extract_accountId(counterparties);
return accountId;
public static List < String > extract_accountId(String res) {
List < String > ids = JsonPath.read(res, "$..identifier[?(@.accountIdType == 'ACCOUNTID')].accountId");
return ids;
And this is the json structure where I am getting the accountID
'organisationId': {
'#value': 'MHI'
'accountName': 'LAZARD AM DEUT AC LF1632',
'identifiers': {
'accountId': 'LAZDLF1632',
'customerId': 'LAZAMDEUSG',
'blockAccountCode': 'LAZDEUBDBL',
'bic': 'LAMDDEF1XXX',
'identifier': [{
'accountId': 'MHI',
'accountIdType': 'REVNCNTR'
}, {
'accountId': 'LAZDLF1632',
'accountIdType': 'ACCOUNTID'
}, {
'accountId': 'LAZAMDEUSG',
'accountIdType': 'MHICUSTID'
}, {
'accountId': 'LAZDEUBDBL',
'accountIdType': 'BLOCKACCOUNT'
}, {
'accountId': 'LAMDDEF1XXX',
'accountIdType': 'ACCOUNTBIC'
}, {
'accountId': 'LAZDLF1632',
'accountIdType': 'GLOBEOP'
'isBlocAccount': 'N',
'accountStatus': 'COMPLETE',
'products': {
'productType': [{
'productLineName': 'CASH',
'productTypeId': 'PRODMHI1',
'productTypeName': 'Bond, Equity,Convertible Bond',
'cleared': 'N',
'bilateral': 'N',
'limitInstructions': {
'limitInstruction': [{
'limitAmount': '0',
'limitCurrency': 'GBP',
'limitType': 'PEAEXPLI',
'limitTypeName': 'Cash-Peak Exposure Limit'
'etc': {
'addressGeneral': 'LZFLUS33XXX',
'addressAccount': 'LF1632',
'tradingLevel': 'B'
'clientBroker': 'C',
'costCentre': 'Credit Sales',
'clientLevel': 'SUBAC',
'accountCreationDate': '2016-10-19T00:00:00.000Z',
'accountOpeningDate': '2016-10-19T00:00:00.000Z'
This is my code in Python
import json, requests, urllib.parse, re
from pandas.io.parsers import read_csv
import pandas as pd
from termcolor import colored
import numpy as np
from glob import glob
import os
# Set Up
dateinplay = "2021-09-27"
#Get accountId
cdwCounterparties = (
r = json.loads(requests.get(cdwCounterparties).text)
account_ids = [i['accountId'] for i in data['identifiers']['identifier']if i['accountIdType']=="ACCOUNTID"]
I am getting this error when I try to fetch the accountId:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "h:\DESKTOP\test_check\checkCounterpartie.py", line 54, in <module>
account_ids = [i['accountId'] for i in data['identifiers']['identifier']if i['accountIdType']=="ACCOUNTID"]
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
CodePudding user response:
accs = {
"identifiers": {
account_id_list = []
for acc in accs.get("identifiers", {}).get("identifier", []):
account_id_list.append(acc.get("accountId", ""))
creates a list called account_id_list which is
CodePudding user response:
assuming you store the dictionary (json structure) in variable x
, getting all accountIDs
is something like:
account_ids = [i['accountId'] for i in x['identifiers']['identifier']]
CodePudding user response:
If I'm inerpeting your question correctly you want all ids where accountistype is "ACCOUNTID".
this give you that:
account_ids = [i['accountId'] for i in data['identifiers']['identifier']if i['accountIdType']=="ACCOUNTID"]