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The enterprise information, how to do? !


Experienced countless large and small enterprise information case, sum up experience as follows, for your reference, little detours,

First of all, to correct an error, enterprise information, not for informatization and informatization, is in order to improve the employees' work efficiency (before the work of two people, can a man do), increase productivity (is advantageous to the enterprise profit growth),
Second, the enterprise's real demand is what? This is the most critical factors, enterprise managers, ruler, tend to know what the demand is, but I don't know how to translate into the informationization demand, more do not know how to be born, this time, the IT department will step in and do the translation of the mediation work, the quality of translation, directly determine the effects of ground after implementation, but most of IT and information are not fully grasp the intention of personnel management, which involves the consulting firm involved, but the consulting company often bring form a complete set of is the mature case, does not necessarily apply to the enterprise itself, something need modification, after all, a consulting firm is a way to make money, industry chain is not a thought in your enterprise,
So once implemented, is riding a tiger, continue to improve, continue to the endless...
Complete information, managers need to, to learn, need IT department to introduce yourself in the field of professional talents, with good, help double, is the key of the large enterprises long-term consideration, in other words, is don't be afraid to spend money, don't be afraid to take the time to develop their own strength, are worth IT,
Finally, any information system is not eternal, there will always be the star of tomorrow, change, change is the norm, and who stand higher, and who will have further in the future,
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