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JEPaaS -- a dark horse in the field of domestic PaaS


JEPaaS is a domestic practical low code fast development platform, 11 years precipitation technology, hundreds development team to continuously upgrade maintenance, is the domestic large enterprises informatization royal platform,

Visual development environment, low code drag-and-drop configuration development, operation is extremely simple, can help enterprises to reduce manpower and time cost by a wide margin, and support the workflow, IM instant messaging, bi chart statements, APP development, docking WeChat, nailing... Is established on domestic development platform,

[applicable scenario and the crowd]
1, a software provider

Can greatly reduce time and artificial cost quickly, and support the SaaS model

2, small micro enterprise/store/school/department internal daily office tools build

Such as OA office, instant messaging, attendance management, etc.

3, the medium-sized enterprises of all kinds of system structures,

Such as procurement system, examination system, reimbursement system, equipment management system, etc.

4, medium or collective enterprise information system construction

Efficient solution, informatization and can quickly be born

5, medium, or the phases of collective enterprise informatization construction

Including the dock with the original system, a variety of perfect personality and give attention to two or morethings extension interface complex business

6, large or collective enterprise strategic information construction

Support group strategy information deployment, especially in terms of the overall layout of informatization particularly well

The custom function
Workflow BPM engine
The chart engine
The report engine
SaaS development
WeChat, nailing docking
App development
Im im
Web printing
Data import and export
[technology selection]
After the end of the
The core Framework: the Spring Framework

Security framework: Spring security

View framework: Spring MVC

Server-side validation: Hibernate Validator

: the workflow engine JBPM

Task scheduling: Spring Task

The persistence layer framework: independent research and development database engine operation

Database connection pool: Alibaba Druid

Caching framework: Ehcache, Redis

Log management: SLF4J, Logback

Project construction: Maven

The front end
- JS framework: jQuery, Vue

- UI framework: ElementUI

- the rich text editor: UEditor

- code editor: monacoEditor

- the Socket communication: Socket. IO, WebSocket

- time components: Muse - UI

- the chart component: every

- print components: Lodop

- office components: pageoffice

- APP JS framework: MUI, H5 +, Vue

- APP UI framework: MUI, ElementUI

- APP time class library: dayjs

[system function display]
1? Login screen

Personalized login screen, can according to demand optional configuration,

2? System home page

3? Feature list

4, the custom function

The custom table function
JEPaaS platform support oracle, essentially, mysql database, such as mainstream support including tree table, single table, master table, view, the types of multiple tables can be tables, fields, the main foreign keys, indexes, unified management, using the tools built forms quickly and realize the maintenance and update of table,

Data structure engine client interface

List of configuration

Table structure custom
Support for different users according to their own needs to custom set of portal, the portal engine provides including function, charts, reports, exhibition board, news, custom plug-in, HTML plugin, such as a variety of plate, the user can plan, flexible to add, adjust, realize personalized portal layout,

Form design tool interface

5, the workflow engine

Use visual editing, including serial, parallel, branch, nest, and other forms, such as process design, and support process version control, message warning, record of examination and approval, process flow, help developers design professional process function, improve the work efficiency,

The Web process editor

Process tracking

Mobile terminal process approval

6, the chart engine

Can quickly build full oriented data analysis and BI platform, realizes the business data visualization analysis, fully understand and use the data and auxiliary decision-making, enhance business,

Graphical report case

7, report engine

Powerful reporting engine is the precondition of BI, use JEPaaS can easily make common statements, cross statements, fill in report and other reports,

Lateral extension report case

Cross case report

8, SaaS development

To rapidly develop their own SaaS products, JEPaaS provides a rich platform resources can help you to quickly create your own SaaS application, then you can through the platform of mall stores authorization, JEPaaS and provide operation monitoring mechanism,

SaaS shop interface

Saas operation monitoring

SaaS system mobile terminal

9, nailing, WeChat docking

JEPaaS integration WeChat nailing and enterprises, through the organization structure of synchronization, which can realize message to remind, WeChat office, nailing office, make your work more efficient and more easy,

Nailing, WeChat seamless docking

10 and the App to rapidly develop

JEPaaS provide online App development tool, using the configuration way can quickly develop a variety of functions of App, among them, the menu can be fast project authorization, support functions, plug-in, charts, reports, links to a variety of functions such as type, and rapid development, can be used through the list of custom HTML form rapid configuration, query the function of rapid configuration development,

Function of the APP designer

Mobile terminal APP

11, instant messaging (IM)

JEPaaS provide a stable and efficient instant messaging services, support for multiple types of information communication with the user and community management, and establish the real-time transmission matrix, to ensure the smooth communication and security,

IM interface

IM mobile communication

IM mobile address book

12, web printing

JEPaaS provide print template fast planning tool, can be complicated documents specified print data, convenient printing tools, which can realize more efficient office experience,

The form to print configuration

13, data import and export

JEPaaS support data import function of Excel, provide planning template tool, can parse Excel data contents of various complex layout, the user's Excel data directly imported into the system, among them, export mainly to provide a list of export, import printing format, can also be their planning template to export data,

Rapid import and export Excel data

Beijing weiye technology co., LTD./jepaas - Kate opensource
Star 457 | 192
the ForkJEPaaS is Kate weiye science and technology Beijing co., LTD., the development of a fast developing platform, based on the traditional software development, in view of the modern enterprise to face a series of problems, we improve the low code fast development, the cluster deployment, and SAAS rapid development; Aimed at reducing industry software development costs!
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