If I want to run a Powershell script (v. 7.1.5), detached, as in I can close the cmd window, log off, come back, log in, and it still be running like in Linux, is that possible without using the task scheduler?
I have seen a lot of questions on SO about this, but nothing seems to work like & or nohup in Linux. I am on Windows Server 2016, if that matters. I have seen this (and many others on SO):
Powershell equivalent of bash ampersand (&) for forking/running background processes
If I want to run this,
foreach($n in (0..100)) {
write-host "Hello World $n"
start-sleep -seconds 2
I can see the job and what it produces with receive-job [job_number]
. If I close my session window, it dies. I thought if I used:
start-job -name BackgroundJob -FilePath C:\temp\test.ps1
it would stay and I also tried .\test.ps1 &
The script always dies when I close my cmd window.
- How do I keep everything running?
- I could do a Scheduled task to run the script every minute and not run it if it is already running, but could that bog down the server checking that much?
- I could also hide the window when starting, but this doesn't really seem to be the same thing (is it?)
- Is nohup and & in Linux fooling me by simply running something and hiding the window (what if I log out?
CodePudding user response:
You can use register-scheduledjob at an elevated prompt. Then you can logout and log back in, and when the job finishes, you can use the regular job commandlets to process it. You can find the jobs in the task scheduler under \Microsoft\Windows\Powershell\ScheduledJobs. The output of a scheduled job can be serialized objects, just like the output of a job.
$trigger = New-JobTrigger -Once -At 1:57pm
Register-ScheduledJob test {sleep 1; 'done'} -trigger $trigger
Id Name JobTriggers Command Enabled
-- ---- ----------- ------- -------
3 test 1 sleep 1; 'done' True
Id Name PSJobTypeName State HasMoreData Location Command
-- ---- ------------- ----- ----------- -------- -------
1 test PSScheduledJob Completed True localhost sleep 1; 'done'
get-job | receive-job -keep