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HR how to promote the company's corporate culture be born?


There is a very classic corporate culture story case:
In the 1970 s, the international market a very interesting thing happened: Japan, a small island, in natural resources, under the condition of power will take huge reparations, amazed by the speed of economic development is faster, not only have many Japanese companies in the United States thereof land and open my own factory on the ground, even the development of IBM in the Japanese market in the United States also failed (mitsubishi, Fuji, Japan's electronics squeezes out), rapid economic rise of Japan, really challenge for the United States and Western Europe,

What is the power to make the Japanese economy sustained, rapid growth?

America sent their management scholars to deeply research management characteristics of Japanese companies, after careful research, comparison, explore and finally found the real reasons behind the rise of Japan, in enterprise management, the management mode of the enterprise, the enterprise culture also have bigger difference, (American is more rational management, but this kind of management lack of flexibility, is not conducive to play to the creativity of people and with the enterprise long-term coexistence of faith; While Japanese companies shape is a conducive to innovation and integrating value and the psychological factors of culture, have the effect of motivate employees, to the enterprise long-term business performance and development potential but also plays an important role in)

Thus, different culture will bring different results of management and operation results are ultimately is service for our market, promote the development of the macro economy, Mr Li many times in the classroom repeated this sentence, I think in our HR students ideology, or clear, or subtle understanding of these words has its certain,
So, this series I will give everybody to explain corporate culture system, the first to put forward the following three questions, hope you can think, believe that the understanding of corporate culture building must be helpful,

1. What is corporate culture? - know the core of enterprise culture, composition and ali case analysis
2. How to establish enterprise culture? - we should follow the principles of building excellent enterprise culture and vanke case analysis
3. How to use the cultural power? - what is the cultural power and the enormous effect culture

What is corporate culture? - know the core of enterprise culture, composition and ali case analysis

Corporate culture, is posted on the picture on the wall, or a slogan slogan? Do HR I asked around a lot, they said, for example, "write the employee handbook, the establishment of cultural wall, beautify the office environment, organize employee caring and collective activity, recognition of outstanding employees, provide holiday benefits", these is corporate culture? No doubt, definitely yes,

If we use baidu search engine "corporate culture", will find out the results of the enterprise culture of "definition" alone, there are millions of each kind of definition of corporate culture has certain rationality, but also has its own one-sidedness and limitations, in spite of the current definition of corporate culture in different ways, but they almost reflected such a remarkably consistent, namely we generally believe that enterprise culture is composed of the following four basic levels:

1, the core of enterprise culture, spirit culture

Refers to the values of the enterprise, enterprise philosophy, etc., is the core layer structure of the enterprise culture, is the enterprise gradually formed in long-term activities, and identity for all staff of consciousness and conception,

What spiritual contain? Contains the values of the company and the company's strategy, the company all style and so on, the concrete manifestation is: the company's mission, values, ideas, slogans, management idea, slogan, and so on textual,

That is a lot of people feel the company does not have the reason of enterprise culture, because many companies don't have their own cultural derived into the textual description, so you will feel this company doesn't even have a corporate culture, many businesses do this part of the corporate culture is the thing, ever seen an enterprise, a year two million, printing the corporate culture book spent fifty thousand yuan a year, exquisite, the above values, mission, slogans, such as typesetting beautiful and delicate, sound very tall also,

2, the middle layer of enterprise culture, system culture

Refers to the embodiment of a variety of rules and regulations for the corporate culture, the system is the most rational performance of enterprise culture shape, its manifestation culture connotation,

Middle part of the cultural system, is the enterprise culture structure, surrounding the company's business philosophy, values, the company will develop a corresponding system for all employees to abide by, contains all kinds of enterprise system, the various rules and regulations, moral models, employee code of conduct, and so on, as long as it is issued by the company system is a reflection of enterprise culture,

Coal enterprises, for example, security is as the first, to the enterprise recognition system to the company's various systems, especially the introduction of safety systems, do it can not only effectively passed safety information, and to convey the spirit of enterprise, safety in production environment facilities and workers use the basic elements in the specification, such as to extension of safety culture in the vision

3, shallow, behavior culture of enterprise culture

Refers to all the enterprise staff's behavior characteristic, it is an important form of enterprise culture,

If the outermost layers of the material culture is the enterprise culture, enterprise behavior culture can be called the mantle layer of enterprise culture, or called the second layer, namely shallow behavior culture, refers to the enterprise staff in the production and business operation, learning activity generated by the cultural entertainment, it includes the enterprise management, education propaganda, interpersonal activities, recreational sports activities of cultural phenomenon, it is the enterprise management style, mental outlook, the dynamic expression of interpersonal relationship, is also the spirit of enterprise, the enterprise value, the concept of refraction, mainly divided into the behavior of the entrepreneur, enterprise model character behavior, enterprise employee behavior,

4, the surface layer of enterprise culture, material culture

Refers to enterprises of all kinds of tangible assets, including business equipment, product quality, the construction of enterprises and enterprise services, etc., is the material base of enterprise culture, the most basic,

Material culture, is the enterprise culture of the structure of the surface part, hear material don't think of money, the first tangible things in the material here is you, such as: what is your company decorate a style? Does your company have any suspension propaganda slogan? Post the company LOGO is not in your company? What is it on the glass door secretly sign? Do you have a machine equipment company. These all belong to a kind of culture,

Material culture as physical objects, is that people can feel directly, although exist in physical form, but often can reflect enterprise's state of mind,

Chun-hua Chen teacher once defined corporate culture, corporate culture is the behavior of the staff, so what are the relationship between corporate culture and employee behavior shaping?

1, the enterprise values reflected by employees

Core of enterprise culture is the enterprise values, the values of direct expression is the pattern of behavior that all employees in the enterprise, it is through the enterprise culture to shape employee behavior, finally to make the employees to be conform to the development of the enterprise talents, voluntary to make greatest contribution to the development of the enterprise

Haier culture construction from banned public urination 13 system, waving a sledgehammer unqualified refrigerator, insist on the advanced system culture to shape employee behavior, to make them in practice gradually realize the haier culture deeply, promote their consciously take the initiative to carry out the enterprise values, execution concept, professional concept, so as to improve the core competitiveness of haier,

2, the enterprise culture as the employee behavior to provide clear guidance

A cultural orientation in company will has a distinct personality characteristics, and the company's employees all its words and deeds will naturally enterprise of the brand mark, and this brand is formed by the guidance of enterprise culture, when necessary, so the enterprise need to examine the part of the corporate culture the employees,

Case: alibaba assessment values of performance evaluation system, are the same important values

In ali's performance appraisal system, corporate culture and values assessment accounted for 50% of the proportion, and the performance is the same proportion, was performed on this arrangement in the system, ali is wants to let employees know the importance of corporate culture and values, and thus constantly to specification and shape behavior, finally internalized into the staff's a kind of consciousness,

Alibaba values assessment indicators are as follows:
Alibaba value evaluation system of HR how to promote the company's corporate culture corporate culture is what enterprise culture cognition lesson alibaba landing HR how to promote the company's corporate culture values assessment be born what is corporate culture corporate culture cognitive course

In ali's value assessment, contains the customer first, teamwork, integrity, passion, dedication, embrace change six values, each index is divided into five ranks, score from 1 ~ 5 minutes, the customs clearance system, namely we should first do the terms of the low scores, then advanced to senior terms, if it fails in the former, there is no chance to advanced,

Ali in performance appraisal way, shaping and regulating the behavior of employees, thus exert a subtle influence on employees and enterprises to establish a common values, such values can truly take root in the heart of a staff, really have vitality, so I think the most important function of the values of alibaba assessment actually lies not in the examination itself, but in the values of the transfer and reinforcement,

3, the outstanding enterprise culture can significantly improve the employee's job performance

Enterprise culture infiltration in the organizational structure of the business rules and regulations and employee behavior, is the soul of modern enterprise and lasting power, its employees and the society has a guiding role, constraint function, rally, incentive effect, adjustment function, a result of the combined action of radiation effects and so on, can guide the staff's behavior orientation, can lead the enterprise staff's motivation to the enterprise goal, to solve the enterprise goals and personal goals, the contradiction between the leader and be leaders, open up gives a realistic road, which will greatly reduce the enterprise internal friction, improve employee's work performance, and constantly spread to the society and the radiation of enterprise information, make people to enterprise's name, logo, product, service, etc have a more complete understanding, to help enterprises set up good enterprise image in the public, enhance corporate reputation and consumer trust to its,
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