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Best way of creating polymorphic C objects with types based on a string?


I want to create objects with polymorphic types based on a string I read from some config text file. A naive simple solution to this is to assign a string to each possible type and then compare the config string in an else-if chain to all the defined types. Something like:

class Base
   virtual std::string GetStringType() = 0;

class Derived1 : public Base
   std::string GetStringType() override { return "Derived1"; }

class Derived2 : public Base
   std::string GetStringType() override { return "Derived2"; }

// etc ...

void main(int argc, char *argv[])
   std::unique_ptr<Base> ptr;
   auto derived1 = std::make_unique<Derived1>();
   auto derived2 = std::make_unique<Derived2>();
   // etc ...

   std::string stringType(argv[1]);

   if (stringType == derived1->GetStringType())
       ptr = std::make_unique<decltype(derived1)>();
   else if (stringType == derived2->GetStringType())
       ptr = std::make_unique<decltype(derived2)>();
   // etc ...

However, with this approach, each time a new derived class is added, a new else-if branch needs to be manually added, and I am trying to avoid that. Is there a better, more automatic approach to this?

Also, in an ideal scenario, when a new derived class is defined somewhere (just defined, not instantiated), I would like to check against it automatically also. Is this somehow possible? I'd be happy for any solution that works, macros included.

CodePudding user response:

A simple map-based factory can do the trick:

#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <memory>

class Base 
  virtual ~Base() = default;

  static std::unique_ptr<Base> create(const std::string& name) {
      return factories_.at(name)();

  template<typename T>
  static void registerDerived() {
    static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<Base, T>);

    factories_[T::GetStringType()] = std::make_unique<T>;

  static std::map<std::string, std::function<std::unique_ptr<Base>()>> factories_;

std::map<std::string, std::function<std::unique_ptr<Base>()>> Base::factories_;

class Derived1 : public Base
   static std::string GetStringType() { return "Derived1"; }

class Derived2 : public Base
   static std::string GetStringType() { return "Derived2"; }

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  // etc...

  std::unique_ptr<Base> ptr = Base::create(argv[1]);
  // ...

CodePudding user response:

This is an example based on unordered_map, with an explicit class factory. Decoupling the creation of the instances completely from the base class. (Separation of concerns)

#include <type_traits>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>


class Base
    virtual void Hello() = 0;

class Class1 : public Base
    void Hello() override
        std::cout << "Class1\n";

class Class2 : public Base
    void Hello() override
        std::cout << "Class2\n";


class ClassFactory final

    // For each class registered at a function to the map
    // that will create a unique_ptr to a new instance of that class
    template<typename class_t>
    void Register(const std::string& string)
        static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<Base, class_t>, "You can only register classes derived from Base");

        // create_function is a lambda
        auto create_function = [] { return std::make_unique<class_t>(); };

        // add the function to the map, with the string as key
        create_function_map.insert({ string,create_function });

    std::unique_ptr<Base> Create(const std::string& string)
        // if nothing is found for the string then throw an exception
        if (create_function_map.find(string) == create_function_map.end())
            std::ostringstream os;
            os << "No class registered for string : " << string;
            throw std::invalid_argument(os.str());

        // otherwise call the function that will make an instance of the 
        // derived class
        auto create_function = create_function_map.at(string);
        return create_function();

    static ClassFactory& Instance()
        static ClassFactory instance;
        return instance;

    ClassFactory() = default;
    ~ClassFactory() = default;

    // use unordered_map it has lookup complexity of O(1)
    // std::map has a lookup complexity of O(n log(n))
    std::unordered_map<std::string, std::function<std::unique_ptr<Base>()>> create_function_map;


int main()
    // For each new class register a name, this is the only code
    // you need to expand to add new classes
    // factory is a singleton so you can reuse it throughout your code
    // without having to pass it around.
    auto& factory = ClassFactory::Instance();

    // create an instance of an object of type Class1.
    auto object1 = factory.Create("Class1");

    // create an instance of an object of type Class2.
    auto object2 = factory.Create("Class2");

    return 0;
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