Home > Enterprise >  Combine two dataframes with seperate keys for one dataframe so can select two column based on keys
Combine two dataframes with seperate keys for one dataframe so can select two column based on keys


I want new column DATE1 equal to a column START in dataframe1(DF1) on KEY1 and combine with Dataframe2 (DF2) based on KEY2 in DF2 so it shows DATE1 just when the key mayches in the join. I can show column start but it shows all.

I want DATE2 equal column START in dataframe1(DF1) on KEY1 but combine with DF2 based on a diffrent key called KEY3 in DF2 so it shows DATE2 just when the key matches in the join. I can show column start but not sure how to only show colum start when combined on two keys.

Example input for DF1 would be:

 --------- -------- ------ ------ 
|START    |KEY1    |Color  OTHER |
 --------- -------- ------ ------ 
| 10/05/21|  1     | White|  3000|
| 10/06/21|  2     |  Blue|  4100|
| 10/07/21|  3     | Green|  6200|
 --------- -------- ------ ------ 

DF2 input would be:

 --------- -------- ---- 
|KEY2     |KEY3 |NUMBER|
 --------- -------- ---- 
|  1     |     2|  3000 |
|  2     |     3|  4100 |
|  3     |     1|  6200 |
 --------- -------- ---- 

Output would be something like below:

 --------- -------- 
|DATE1    | DATE2 |
 --------- -------- 
| 10/05/21|10/06/21|       
| 10/06/21|10/07/21|       
| 10/07/21|10/05/21|      
 --------- -------- 

Below is code

def transform_df_data(df: DataFrame):
        return \
            df \
                .withColumn("DATE1", col("START")) \
                .withColumn("DATE2", col("START")) \
                .withColumn("KEY1", col("KEY1")) \
    def build_final_df(df:DataFrame, otherdf:Dataframe)
         df_transform = transform_df_data(d_period)
         return final_transform.join(df_transform , final_transform.KEY1 == df_transform(KEY2, 'inner').withColumn("DATE1", col("START")).select("DATE1","DATE2")

CodePudding user response:

Note sure I correctly understand the question, but I think you want to join df1 and df2 on KEY1 = KEY2 then join the result again with df1 on KEY1 = KEY3:

import pyspark.sql.functions as F

data1 = [("10/05/21", 1, "White", 3000), ("10/06/21", 2, "Blue", 4100), ("10/07/21", 3, "Green", 6200)]
df1 = spark.createDataFrame(data1, ["START", "KEY1", "Color", "OTHER"])

data2 = [(1, 2, 3000), (2, 3, 4100), (3, 1, 6200)]
df2 = spark.createDataFrame(data2, ["KEY2", "KEY3", "NUMBER"])

df_result = df1.withColumnRenamed("START", "DATE1").join(
    F.col("KEY1") == F.col("KEY2")
).select("DATE1", "KEY3").join(
    df1.withColumnRenamed("START", "DATE2"),
    F.col("KEY1") == F.col("KEY3")
).select("DATE1", "DATE2")


# -------- -------- 
#|   DATE1|   DATE2|
# -------- -------- 
# -------- -------- 
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